Page 150 - MustangEbook
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horseback could use weapons in a manner that   MILITARY POLICE
               made him a serious menace to disciplined foot

               It seems stirrups appeared in Europe around
               AD  550.  Although  authorities  are  wary  of
               giving the date it was “invented,” they seem
               to agree that it started as a simple loop fixed
               to the end of the saddle skirt.

               Even  the  most  confirmed  pedestrian  will
               understand, however, that without stirrups the   It may be that Military Police were created to perform the
                                                               same function for which Marines were first used to protect
               man on horseback can be considered nothing                the Officers from their men.
               more  than  a  nuisance  in  battle.  With  both
               hands free to handle a weapon, he becomes       According  to  C.  C.  Soden,  recruiting
               something to contend with.                      methods  reached  intolerable  extremes  in
                                                               1740 to replace heavy casualties in Flanders.

                                                               The “pressed men” took  advantage of any
                                                               opportunity  to  express  their  aversion  to
                                                               military  life  by  knocking  off  an  Officer.
               The  engineer  was  at  one  time  considered  a   Trustworthy  soldiers  were  selected  to
               civilian and was responsible for fortifications,   protect Officers’ quarters and to guard them
               field works and planning. The word is derived   against ambush on the way to work.
               from  the  Latin and meant  “ingenious”, thus
               indicating the cleverness of the individual.
                                                               A century later when the original need had
                                                               disappeared,  the  “Watch  Guards”  were
               MEDICAL CORPS                                   reorganized  and  assigned  a  true  “military

                                                               police”  role.  The  office  of  “Provost”  was
               Up  until  the  sixteenth-century  German       then created to control them.
               mercenaries,  no  doctors  accompanied
               Military Units. During the wars of the Middle
               Ages the sick and wounded were left to make    QUARTER MASTER AND
               out  as  best  they  could.  If  they  got  any
               attention  it  was  from  private  citizens  who   The office of  Quartermaster  goes  back to
               took  pity on them, or from  monks who, in      the sixteenth-century . His original job was
               those days, were the only people who knew       to find quarters and rations for the men. In
               anything about medicine or surgery.
                                                               connection with the first duty, the “quarter
                                                               master”  of  necessity  had  the  function  of
               A  surgeon  was  assigned  to  each  company.   reconnaissance.
               When the practice of surgery passed from the
               hands of the monks to those of the barbers, the   The  word  “Logistics”  is  derived  from  the
               change was recollected in the seventeenth –    Greek  adjective  “Logistikos”,  meaning
               century military organisation of the Prussians:   “skilled in caculating”. The first use of the
               Feldschere  (field  barbers)  were  attached  for   word  is  attributed  to  the  “Logista”  or
               surgical duties.
                                                              military administrative officials.
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