Page 85 - MustangEbook
P. 85

generating  and  sustaining  a  robust  and    The  President  Standard  is  flown  from  the
               efficient Air Power for mission success.       highest  point  on  the  Istana  main  building.
                                                              The Standard is flown daily from 8.00 am to
               UC COLOURS                                     6.00  pm,  or  until  such  time  when  the
                                                              President has left for his private residence.

                                                              The above Standard is raised folded and tied
                                                              with  a  ‘quick-release’  knot.  On  the  final
                                                              execution of the “Salute” or “Present Arms”
                                                              to  the  President  on  his  arrival  for  an
                                                              event/parade,  the  knot  is  tugged  thus
                                                              releasing  the  Standard  to  ‘Fly’.  This  is
                                                              evidently  witnessed  during  major  parades

                                                              like SAF Day and National Day.
               The     Unmanned       Command’s      motto
               ‘PERSISTENT  and  PRECISE’  signifies  the
               enduring  and  resilient  nature  and  high    GUARD PENNANT
               readiness  capability  of  the  Command  in
               carrying out a full spectrum of missions from
               peacetime to wartime, spanning across the air,
               land and sea domains  to  achieve the SAF’s

               THE PRESIDENT STANDARD                         In our modern society with well-established
                                                              police  and  security  forces,  the  idea  of
                                                              Presidential  Guards  armed  with  lances
                                                              would seem old fashioned. On the contrary,
                                                              this practice has deep symbolic significance
                                                              dating back to the medieval times.

                                                              In  olden  days,  knights  in  armour  were  the
                                                              cream of the fighting forces. The best knights
                                                              and Champions formed a special guard that
                                                              protected the monarch or ruling lord on and
                                                              off  the  battlefield.  The  lance  is  a  form  of
               The President Standard is a red flag with a    spear  that  was  very  popular  with  the
               white  Crescent  Moon  and  Five  Stars        armoured  knights  of  old.  The  date  of  its
               emblazoned in the centre. The colour red is    introduction into civilised armies, however,
               symbolic of the universal brotherhood and      went much further than the Middle Ages. Its
               equality of man. The Crescent represents a     employment can be traced to the Assyrians
               young country on the ascent while the five     and Egyptians. The Greeks and Romans also
               stars represent democracy, peace, progress,    used  lances.  The  British  in  turn  were
               justice and equality.                          impressed by the weapon during the Battle of
                                                              Waterloo  and  in  1816,  organised  the  first
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