Page 89 - MustangEbook
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from which the battle was controlled. Every    may remain in use if the materials have not
               unit took into battle its drummers, buglers,   deteriorated. The natural moisture and oil of
               fifers and other musicians who might make      the  human  hand  stains  delicate  fabrics  and
               up  a  band  (they  also  doubled  as  stretcher   causes rapid deterioration. For these reasons,
               bearers).  Upon  an  attack  developing,  the   personnel who must handle the Colours must
               Commanding  Officer  would  order  the         wear clean white gloves.
               various instruments to be beaten or blown as
               hard  as  their  players  could  manage.  The   When not in use on ceremonial occasions,
               attention of the unit was drawn to the fact    Colours  are  retained  or  kept  in  the  CO!
               that the centre was being threatened and the   Commander’s  Office  secured  in  a
               Colours were in danger. This action became     suitable  display  cabinet.  Colours  are
               the centre point of the way and the music      always  to  be  displayed,  uncased  and
               became a rallying tune.                        attached  to  their  own  pike!  Staff.  The
                                                              custodian  of  the  Colours  is  usually  the
               Presently the Band will play the stirring      Unit RSM who is responsible for the care
               tune of “Point of War” as a form of salute     and maintenance of the Colours.
               for all Colours being marched on and off
               the parade ground.                             WITHDRAWAL FROM SERVICE

               TRANSPORTING OF COLOURS                        A  Colours  is  to  be  withdrawn  from  service
                                                              when the Unit is deactivated but remains on
               Whenever Colours are transported, they are     the  order  of  battle.  The  withdrawn  Colours
               to be accompanied by an Officer, Warrant       will  be  allocated  to  a  unit,  namely  the
               Officer or a senior Specialist. Colours are    Formation  HQ,  for  safekeeping  and  it  will
               to be cased until they reach the place where   remain cased.
               they are to be paraded and the units are to
               ensure  that  the  Colours  is  handled  with   Once the unit is reactivated, the Colours will
               dignity and is safeguarded at all times from   be re-allocated to its Unit by the Service HQ.
               being  damaged.  Individual  stand  of         While there is no ceremony associated with
               appropriate  size  and  strength  for  the     withdrawing  a  Colours  from  service,  or
               safeguarding  and  protecting  the  Colours    placing  the  Colours  back  into  service,  a
               from  damaged  when  transporting  them        Colours  parade  should  be  held  as  soon  as
               between locations is encouraged.               possible  after  the  Unit  has  reformed.  It  is
                                                              during  this  parade  that  the  Colours  are
               CARE AND CUSTODY OF COLOURS                    “Trooped”.

               Colours  are  fashioned  by  hand  from  the
               highest quality silks, gold and coloured braid   REPLACEMENT OF COLOURS
               and  threads.  It  is  therefore  a  costly  and
               delicate article, requiring careful treatment at   Colours should be serviceable for at least
               all  times.  It  is  estimated  that  with  care,   15  to  20  years.  However,  regardless  of
               Colours  should  have  a  useful  life  span  of   their age where through normal wear and
               about  15  to  20  years.  The  life  span  of  the   tear,  they  become  unserviceable  or
               Colours also depends upon its condition and    condition  of  the  Colours  may  cause
                                                              embarrassment  to  the  Unit  or  there  is  a
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