Page 86 - MustangEbook
P. 86
regiment of Lancers. During the First World performance during the parade will honour
War, this medieval weapon was carried by the arrival and departure of the President of
the Germans, French and British in a war the Republic of Singapore. The dozen men
fought mainly with machine-guns. It was only mounting the Lance Guard are themselves
in 1927, that the British Army finally outstanding soldiers of our fighting force. Not
abolished the Lance as a weapon. only are they physically impressive, they are
also highly trained and disciplined. This is a
prerequisite be fitting the solemnity of the
Lance Guards must have the endurance to
parade for long duration. They are dressed in
No. 1 ceremonial uniform and carry the
However, it was retained for ceremonial
purposes. In times of peace, no ancient REGIMENTAL BAND BANNER
weapon contributed more to the pomp and
pageantry of war than the Lance. The sight of
a column of Lancers with steel points flashing
and pennants flying is a memorable spectacle.
The Cavalry or Armour is the forerunner of
today’s Armies as were Armoured Knights of
the past. Thus appropriately, the SAF Armour
Formation has inherited this tradition.
Singapore’s first troop of Lance Guards were The SAF Band banner is red with the SAF
formed on 3 December 1959 at a ceremonial Band insignia charged in the centre. This
installation of His Excellency the Yang Di- insignia has a disc, divided horizontally into
Pertuan Negara Encik Yusof Bin Ishak. three coloured bands, light blue, red and navy
blue. They represent the three Services in the
They were dressed in their traditional cavalry SAF.
fashion with red hats and black peaks, white
tunic with blue trousers (patrol order), chain The centre is charged with a gold lyre and
mail epaulettes, boots with spurs and cross laurels which are also used as the SAF
belt with message pouches. Today, they are Musician’s badge. The National Arms
known as Presidential Lance Guards and are surmounts the disc. Their motto, “In
mounted during State Occasions for the Harmony”, is inscribed in gold on a red scroll
President since the first National Day Parade. that appears at the base of the insignia. Their
banners are also fringed in gold. The banners
This is a prestigious appointment. Only for notes-stands have an additional
selected Armoured personnel are qualified to “Singapore Armed Forces Bands” appearing
be a Presidential Lance Guard. Their in gold arranged in an arc above their Insignia.