Page 93 - MustangEbook
P. 93

For the RSAF, it retains the colour of white   The Mess Kit is worn on formal ‘black tie’
               and the trousers will be in blue with light blue   occasions, when male civilians wear a tuxedo
               piping on each side that have pleats on the    and ladies wear an evening gown. The design
               front of the trousers.                         of  the  Army  Mess  Kit  has  been  updated  to
                                                              bring it in line with that of ‘modern black tie’
               However,  the  red  sash,  worn  around  the   dress norms. The men’s jacket has been given
               waist, has been done away with. The braided    a modern cut along the lines of a tuxedo. It is
               epaulettes  have  also  been  replaced  with   worn  over  a  white  wing-collared  shirt  with
               Shoulder Boards. The collar has a nicer cut    black  trousers.  The  trousers  are  double
               and is easier to manage than the old uniform.   pleated, giving a more friendly feeling than
               New  embroidered  collar  badges  are  also    those of the old No 2.
               featured. No changes have been made to the
               cap. The trousers will have pleats. For female   A  red  bow  tie,  red  cummerbund,  black
               personnel  in  the  SAF,  their  Ceremonial    shoulder boards and SAF gold metal buttons
               Uniform complements that of the men. The       complete  the  outfit.  The  shoulder  boards
               cut has been altered from that of the old one   gives the jacket a much cleaner finish than
               and the headdress has been redesigned. The     before,  whilst  the  thinner  three-and-a-half
               No  1  Uniform  design  looks  smart  and  is   inch cummerbund is much more comfortable
               comfortable in our warm climate.               than the old six-inch one.

               MESS KIT (No.2)                                For the ladies, their Mess Kit has a mandarin
                                                              collar  jacket  over  a  black,  ankle-length
                                                              evening  gown.  The  jacket  has  the  same
                                                              buttons and shoulder boards as the men’s, so
                                                              both  complement  each  other  and  give  a
                                                              unified  image  of  the  SAF.  The  top  of  the
                                                              dress is made of black crepe fabric.

                                                              For the Navy mess kit’s design, the white
                                                              long sleeve jacket is worn over the white
                                                              shirt with pleats in front coupled with black
                Officers/Military Experts/Warrant Officers’ No.2   trousers which have pleats on the front. The
                                   Dress                      four-pleat  black  cummerbund,  gold  chain
                                                              and the black bow tie complete the outfit.
                                                              For  ladies,  they  will  wear  a  black  ankle-
                                                              length  gown  with  a  slit  on  the  back.  The
                                                              white  long  sleeve  jacket  with  golden
                                                              trimming running down from the collar to
                                                              the end of the jacket completes the outfit.

                                                              For the design of RSAF mess kit, the dark
                                                              blue jacket is worn over a white long sleeve
                                                              shirt with pleats in front, together with dark
                           Specialists’ No.2 Dress            blue  trousers.  The  dark  blue  bow  tie,  dark
                                                              blue  satin  cummerbund  and  good  chain
                                                              complete the outfit. For the ladies, they worn
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