Page 96 - MustangEbook
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Its pixelated design is in shades of green for   civilians wore either a shirt and tie or lounge
               the Army.                                      suit, the SAF servicemen then wore the Bush
               On  7   May  2012,  the  SAF  introduced  the
               pixelated  No.4  uniform  for  Navy  and  Air   Doing away for a more appropriate equivalent
               Force  personnel  to  enhance  operational     of  civilian  attire  at  such  occasions,  a  new
               effectiveness and enhance functionality:       Service Uniform (No.5) was introduced based
                                                              on  the  No  3  Uniform.  The  trousers  for  the
               a) Enhancing operational effectiveness         Service Uniform are the same. When the dress
                                                              code of a function or event calls for a shirt and
               In  view  of  the  urban  terrain  of  the  air  and   tie, a long sleeved version of No 3 shirt (No.
               naval  bases,  two  separate  greyish-blue     5T) will be donned by the servicemen.
               pixelated  patterns  were  selected  to  achieve
               better concealment and enhance survivability.   For  lounge  suit  occasions,  a  matching  coat
               The colour scheme is a better match against    will be worn over the shirt  and tie  (No.5J).
               the commonly used colours of aircraft, ships   The  ladies  Service  Dress  is  of  a
               and key installations. This effectively blends   complementary design to that of the men, with
               the  airmen  and  sailors  in  their  respective   a matching bow ribbon. The Service Uniform
               operating  platforms  and  enhances  their     will also replace the former Overseas Service
               survival by delaying enemy detection time.
               The  pixelated  pattern  generates  micro-
               patterns  within  macro-patterns  to  reduce   The breakdown as shown in the table below:
               detection of personnel, making personnel less
               obvious as a visual target for hostile forces,     Type of No.5            Remarks
               while working in an airfield environment, a          No. 5 (T)               Tie
               naval base or on the exposed decks of a ship.        No. 5 (J)              Jacket
                                                                    No. 5 (E)            Enhanced
               b) Enhancing functionality                           No. 5 (S)            Simplified
                                                                             No.5 Dress Types

               The new uniforms take advantage of advances
               in  material  technology  such  as  quick  dry
               properties  and  greater  heat  and  perspiration
               dissipation.  The  uniforms  will  also  have
               improved  features  to  adhere  to  the  safety
               requirements and mitigate potential hazards in
               the working environment. New safety boots
               of breathable material with zip and composite
               toe-cap will replace the current safety boot.
                                                                 Officers/Military Experts/Warrant Officers’
                                                                              No.5(T) Dress
               SERVICE DRESS (No 5)

               There  are  many  occasions  when  SAF
               Personnel have to attend functions in uniform,
               together  with  civilians.  Functions  where
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