Page 99 - MustangEbook
P. 99
No 1, 2 and 5 dress 1. For COLs: A red patch with one gold
2. Aide-De-Camp (ADC) to the President braid lacing down the centre and a small
3. Honourary ADC to the President gold button at the point.
4. Military Attache (MA) and Assistant MA
5. Director of Music during band 2. For BGs: A red patch with two gold braids
performance lacing down the centre and a small gold
6. MA/SO to CDF & Service Chiefs button at the point.
These metal-tipped, coloured cords are worn 3. MGs and Above: A red patch with gold
on the right shoulder, except for S/No. 4, 5 & oak leaf embroidery down the centre and
6 (from above) who wear them on the left a gold button at the points.
shoulder. MA / SO to CDF and Service Chiefs
will wear the lanyard when in No 3 uniform.
The French military word “aide-de-camp”
simply means “assistance in camp”. This
might explain why officers assisting the CDF
or the President are called Aide-de-Camps.
Gorget Patches were originally pieces of
armour which protected the throat or “gorge”
and was implemented as a distinguishing
Gorget patches are worn with the No. 1 dress
uniform for Army officers above the rank of
COL. They are fastened at the collar with the
base at the forward edge of the collar and the
pointed edge inwards. It can be described as a
“colored collar patch (usually red) with a
button and either gold lace oak leaf motif or
silk cord.”
C o l B G M G and above
In the SAF, gorget patches come in the
following designs: