Page 103 - MustangEbook
P. 103

the hilt of the sword. This knot was originally
               used to prevent the sword being lost in action,
               for the strap was twisted around the wrist of
               the bearer.


               Before  the  twentieth  century  epaulettes  and   Epaulette for Warrant Officers & Specialists
               shoulder  straps  were  common  devices  to
               signal  rank.  Epaulettes,  from  epaule  an  old   MILITARY MUSIC
               French word for shoulder seem to have started
               out as cloth straps worn on the shoulders to
               help  keep  shoulder  sashes  and  belts  in
               position. Another story has them beginning as
               pieces of armour to protect the shoulders. By
               the time of the American Revolutionary War
               epaulettes  worn  by  British  and  French
               Officers had become elaborate affairs of gold
               or silver that started at the collar and ended at
               the point of the shoulder with heavy fringes of
               gold or silver wire. To some they looked like
               fancy  hair  brushes.  They  were  also  very   Drums and fifes are among the oldest form of
               expensive,  being  made  of  gold  or  silver,   military musical instruments. The drum had
               sometimes solid metal and other times plated.                        long  been  known  in
               Epaulettes  for  Sergeants  and  other  enlisted                     eastern  countries  and
               men  were  of  cheaper  metals  or  cloth.  The   Military music     the  early  Egyptians
               ranks  of  Warrant  Officers  and  Officers  are   accentuates the   combined the trumpet
               inserted into these epaulettes.                occasion, allowing the   and  the  drum  to
                                                              listener to be totally   provide  their  military

                                                              immersed in the       music. The Greeks, on
                                                              military setting.
                                                                                    the    other     hand,
                                                                                    favoured the flute, the
                                                              smoothing tunes of which kept their fighting
                                                              men  cool  and  firm.  The  trumpet  was  the
                                                              instrument in general use with the forces of
                            Epaulette for Officers            the Roman Empire, while the ancient Briton
                                                              favoured  the  horn  and  trumpet.  These
                                                              remained  the  only  instruments  of  martial
                                                              music until the Crusaders returned with fresh
                                                              ideas from the east. They had seen the value
                                                              of the drum as an adjunct to military art in the
                                                              armies  of  the  Saracens  and  introduced  this
                                                              instrument  into  England  in  the  eleventh
                            Epaulette for MDES
                                                              century under the names of the tabor and the
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