Page 106 - MustangEbook
P. 106
Pingat Penghargaan (Tentera)
The SAF Overseas Medal
The Commendation Medal (Mil)
This medal may be awarded to members of This medal may be awarded to any member of
the SAF who have engaged in operational / the SAF who has clearly placed
non-operational service in an area outside the himself/herself above his/her peers through
Republic of Singapore.
commendable achievements in military
command or staff work, or performed service
over and above the call of duty.
Pingat Berkebolehan (Tentera)
The Efficiency Medal
Pingat Gagah Perkasa (Tentera)
This medal may be awarded to any member of The Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (Mil)
the SAF who has shown exceptional
efficiency, devotion to duty, or work of This medal may be awarded to any member of
special significance, or who has demonstrated the SAF who has distinguished
in the course of his work initiative, himself/herself through meritorious service in
thoroughness and resourcefulness. military command or staff work. There are
three grades: gold, silver and bronze.