Page 102 - MustangEbook
P. 102

of today are largely fashioned in the image of
               the  knights  of  yesteryear  as  they  largely   In 2011, a ground breaking ceremony held at
               performed  the  same  function  of  leading  a   the Pasir Laba Camp on 22 Aug 2011, WOs
               group of men.                                  were presented with ceremonial swords. The
                                                              Swords  traditionally  presented  only  to
               The swords come in two lengths i.e. 819 mm     officers,  were  given  in  recognition  of  the
               and 919 mm. The 819 mm swords were issued      SWOs,  MWOs’,  ME4s  and  ME5s  who
               from 1981 to 1988 and the 919 mm swords        demonstrated expertise and leadership in their
               were issued since 1982. The latter sword is    respective domains and Corps.
               used  for  parades.  For  military  officers
               attending  the  parade,  both  lengths  of  sword   WHY RSM DON THE CEREMONIAL
               may be used                                    SWORD

               Swords  are  worn  at  a  parade  or  ceremony
               where the No 1 dress is prescribed, for the
               following officers:

               1.  Reviewing     Officer   (if   they   are
                   commissioned SAF Officer)
               2.  Officers escorting the Reviewing Officer
               3.  Commander  of  the  Formation/  Unit
                   organising the parade or ceremony
               4.  Parade Commander
               5.  Contingent Commanders
               6.  Supernumerary Officers
               7.  Parade RSM                                 Whilst  it  is  commonly  known  that  only
                                                              Commissioned  Officers  are  allowed  the
               All Officers of the rank of Major and above    privilege  to  don  the  ceremonial  sword,  the
               will don the ceremonial sword for functions/   exception  to  the  rule  applies  to  the  Parade
               ceremonies  when  instructed.  As  a  general   RSM. Going by his title “King of the Parade
               rule, swords need not be worn during indoor    Square”,  the  Parade  RSM  is  authorised  to
               ceremoniesdeserves  from  Officers  and  all   wear the sword as a mark of his authority in
               Ranks on parade.                               controlling  the  parade.  Wearing  the  sword
                                                              also  emphasises  his  specialised  skills  in
                                                              drilling the men and the sword being a symbol
                                                              of authority, will accord him the respect.

                                                              The  only  time  a  Parade  RSM  is  given  the
                                                              privilege to draw his sword is when he pays
                                                              the highest form of compliment to the Colours
                                                              prior to it being trooped. In this instance, his
                                                              Pace Stick is taken out of the parade ground
                                                              by an orderly.

                The crests on the ceremonial swords resemble the   Looking closer, you would see a sword knot
                  ranks that the Military Experts and Warrant   which is a strap with a tassel wound around
                               Officers wear.
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