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P. 100

Distinctive buttons have long been a feature   The colours chosen are closely tied to those
               of military uniforms, for their dual purpose,   used in the British Armed Forces.
               both  practical  and  ornamental  use.  There  is
               some evidence to support the theory that one
               of the original purposes of ornamental buttons
               were to keep soldiers from wiping their noses
               on the sleeves of their dress uniforms.

               In  the  SAF,  buttons  used  on  ceremonial
               uniforms are impressed with the logo of a lion   (From left
                                                              Black – Armour
               standing  on  a  tower.  This  first  logo  was   Dark Blue – Army Support Arms (Signals, Combat
               reminiscent  of  British  influence  with  its   Engineers, Artillery, Logistics, Intelligence and
               richness and grandeur.                         Manpower) and Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN)
                                                              Greyish Blue – Republic of Singapore Air Force
               These buttons are normally worn on the SAF     (RSAF)
               Number  1  dress,  Number  2  dress  and  the   Olive Green – Infantry
                                                              Khaki – Guards
               Number 5 jacket.                               Maroon - Commandos )

               The  fact  that  men’s  clothing  buttons  to  the   The beret colour changes were implemented
               right and women’s to the left has also been    on 25 August 1976 from four to six colour.
               traced back to the days before pockets when    The  new  beret  is  worn  in  the  field  when  a
               people  put  their  hands,  Napoleon-like,  into   helmet is not required.
               their  coat  fronts  for  warmth.  With  her
               “protector” on the right, a lady’s coat buttoned   The  colour  of  the  Infantry  was  originally  a
               to the left so that both she and the gentleman   darker, deep bronze green. It was in Aug 2013
               could  slip  their  free  hands  into  their  coat   that it was changed to the current brighter and
               fronts.                                        more  prominent  shade  of  olive  green.  The
                                                              change was part of a campaign to strengthen
               CAP / BERET                                    the  Infantry  formation  as  a  3   Generation


               Since  the formation of the S A F / Army
               soldiers wore jungle green caps, besides the
                                  helmet.  On  3  May  1971,
               Since the          these  caps  were  changed
               formation of the   to beret. Each division of
               SAF/ Army          the  SAF  –  land,  sea,  air   The  sash  may  be  an  item  of  ornamental
               soldiers wore      and      the      special   equipment that once had a functional purpose:
               jungle caps.       Commandos  group  wore      to improvise litters for carrying wounded off
                                  different  coloured  berets.   the  field.  They  were  usually  made  of  silk,
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