Page 104 - MustangEbook
P. 104

It  seems,  however,  that  the  drummer,  for  a   or  buffalo.  The  first  hunting  horns  were
               considerable  number  of  years,  was  only    unquestioningly made from the horn of this
               employed  as  one  of  the  retinue  of  great   animal.
               Officers and not generally included as part of
               the establishment of the Army. In the list of   Bugles  were  first  used  to  control  the
               the Army employed during the disastrous war    movement  of  troops  in  battle.  Bugle  music
               with France in 1557, drums were appointed to   can be used to signal the different times of the
               the Regiment of Foot in the proportion of one   day. It is common practice in Army camps,
               drummer  and  one  fifer  to  a  company  of  a   bugle music is played at 6am, at noon and at
               hundred men. The role of music in the military   6 pm in the evening, every day. This custom
               is  often  downplayed  or  forgotten.  But     was  adapted  from  the  British  practice  of
               nonetheless, it has a significant place in the   sounding  the  bugle  every  day,  at  the
               pageantry,    which     surrounds    certain   prescribed timing, whilst outfield.
               ceremonial  occasions  in  the  SAF.  From  the
               commissioning ball to the ceremonial parades   TATTOO
               ever  present  in  the  SAF,  stirring  military   Click to hear TATTOO
               music accentuates the occasion, allowing the
               listener to be totally immersed in the military
                                                              How did a drummer’s word like “tattoo” get
               Military  music,  though  usually  associated   tagged on a bugle call? It probably originated
               with joyous military occasions, can also be a   among  the  British  troops  in  Holland  during
               touching dedication to the fallen comrade in   the Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648) or during
               arms.  The  “Last  Post”  is  a  melancholic  but   the wars of King William III in the 1690’s.
               dignified  tune  usually  played  at  military   When the time came for soldiers to leave the
               funerals by a sole bugler to signify the passing   taverns and return to their billets, the Officer
               of a brave member of the Armed Forces. The     of  the  Day,  with  a  Sergeant  and  drummer,
               “Last Post” and “Dead March from Soul” are     would beat his way through the streets. It is
               examples of tunes commonly used to honour      the  signal  to  quiet  down  in  barracks  and  to
               the fallen dead in the SAF.                    turn off the lights within fifteen minutes.

               BUGLE CALL                                     TAPS

                                                              Click to hear TAPS

                                                              Of  all  the  military  bugle  calls,  none  is  so
                                                              easily  recognized  or  more  apt  to  render
                                                              emotion than Taps. Up to the Civil War, the
                                                              traditional  call  at  day’s  end  was  a  tune,
                                                              borrowed from the French, and called Lights
               The  bugle,  short  for  “bugle  horn”,  is  a   Out.
               descendant  of  the  hunting  horn.  The  word
               “bugle” itself is an obsolete term for a wild ox
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