Page 105 - MustangEbook
P. 105
This more emotive and powerful Taps was MEDALS
soon adopted throughout the Army of the
Potomac. In 1874 it was officially recognized Traditionally, a military medal is a metal
by the U.S. Army. It became standard at shape (usually a round disk) suspended by a
military funeral ceremonies in 1891. There is strip of ribbon or fabric, often from a top bar.
something singularly beautiful and Medals in the shape of a star, four, five or six
appropriate in the music of this wonderful point, are representative of service in a theatre
call. Its strains are melancholy, yet full of rest of war. Other shapes may also be seen.
and peace. Its echoes linger in the heart long Medals are traditionally worn on the left side
after its tones have ceased to vibrate in the air. of one’s shirt or jacket, normally on formal
white tie occasions. There are also medals that
CORPS OF DRUMS are worn around the neck. In the military,
medals are worn on clothing of distinctive
It is reasonable to assume that the Corps of design worn by members of a particular group
Drums as we know today came into being as a means of identification on formal
after the Cardwell Reforms of 1872 although occasions. In day to day wear, or certain
the drums and the fifes had of course played military occasions or on simple shirts, they are
together long before this date. Battalions were represented in the form of thin fabric bars on
still organised into eight companies with two the left side of the uniform.
drummers to each company. With a Drum
Major to supervise the training and well-being TYPES OF MEDALS IN THE SAF
of all the drummers, it was obviously better to
concentrate them into one group or “Corps”. Medals are awarded for good conduct or
The association with Continental Troops over exemplary service. A recipient must have
the years must also have influenced the demonstrated exceptional performance in the
formation of a Corps of Drums. The Habit of execution of his or her duty.
parading the Corps of Drums (of Line
Regiments) in front of the band was copied
from the French. The drums are primarily
intended for supplying music on the march. It
is, therefore, of the first importance that the
drummers, and especially the bass drummer, SAF Long Service &
Good Conduct (25
should be well trained in beating the strict Years) Medal
marching time of the battalion. The effect of
the drums is to instil into the soldier the swing
of the movement of marching as opposed to
the action of walking together in close
formation. Not only is the music of the drums
a wonderful aid to troops on the march but it This medal will be awarded to member of the
is also an aid to a soldier’s courage and the SAF in recognition of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35
moral for which the British Infantry is so and 40 years of continuous qualifying service
justly famous. in recognition of their service and good
conduct in the SAF.