Page 95 - MustangEbook
P. 95
One purpose of military uniform is to of the shirt would always come out, giving the
clearly distinguish combatants who are men an untidy look.
protected by the laws of war from other
persons carrying weapons, who enjoy no From 1971 - 1977
such protection. Another purpose in The Navy, a sandy beige replaced Temasek
historical times was to make it difficult for Green in March 1971 - first with long sleeves
deserters to avoid detection; military rolled up, then with sleeves cut short six years
uniforms were so distinctive with many later
metal buttons and unique colours that they
could not be modified into unrecognizable In 1975, the air boys of the RSAF modeled
clothing. their crisp blue and white ensemble.
Debuted in 1967 On 20 June 1977, a new baggy styled
uniform shirt was introduced. This baggy
look would prevent soldiers from heat rash
and chaffing. It provides more room for
stretching and bending, saving wear and
tear. Retaining its name of “Temasek
Green”, the uniform was a darker green
and now had 4 instead of 2 pockets.
From 1981 – 2007
In July 1981, the uniform was standardised
to be both the No. 3 and No. 4 dress. Both
these shirts of No. 3 and No. 4 are not
The first generation Temasek Green SAF tucked into the trousers.
combat uniform debuted in 1 September 1967
for the Army, Navy and Air Force. Made of In 1982, our sailors went back to the classic
thick cotton, only had two patched pockets for navy blue and white.
the shirt, and three pockets for the trousers,
the shirt had to be tucked in. And although it The first camouflage dress was
was fashionably slim cut for the Sixties, it was originally introduced in June 1983.
not particularly practical to serve double duty However, the lightly rubberized fabric
as a parade uniform and for field training. was found to be very colour-fast, a
different material was introduced in 1985,
For foot drills, the uniform had to be starched which was lighter in weight and had more air
till the shirt could stand and ironed till it was flow permeability.
creaseless or it was said that the shirt would
stand on its own. But after 15 minutes of From 2008 – 2012
marching in the sun, that perfection was gone. The SAF introduced a new combat uniform.
The tougher but lighter fabric is of enhanced
The same type of uniform was also used out wicking ability which allows for quick
in the field. The shirt is neatly tucked into the absorption. It is coated with a chemical that
trousers. It was noted that during training, part keeps mosquitoes away. A very smart fabric.