Page 3 - Brain Health Cook Book
P. 3

BREAKFAST   Serving Size 2

           Sweet Potato

           Black Bean                                                    Sweet potatoes contain

           Skillet                                                       This is great for cognition.

           DIRECTIONS                                                    INGREDIENTS

           1.     In a skillet, sauté the onion in                       1 small onion
                  olive oil until translucent. Mix in                    1 tbsp olive oil
                  the beans, broth, sweet potatoes                       1 (15 oz) can drained
                  and pepper.                                            black beans

           2.     Bring the mixture to a boil. Lower                     2 medium sweet potatoes,
                  the heat and let simmer, covered                       peeled and can chopped
                  for 25 minutes. Uncover and let                        1 (14.5 oz) chicken broth
                  simmer for another 10 minutes, or                      1 pinch of salt
                  until potatoes are tender.                             2 eggs, cooked over easy
                                                                         1 avocado - optional
           3.     Meanwhile, cook your egg over
                  easy and add in once potato
                  mixture is finished cooking.
           4.     Top with sliced avocado.                                                             Brain Healthy Recipes

           5.     Enjoy!

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