Page 5 - Brain Health Cook Book
P. 5

BREAKFAST   Serving Size 1-2

           Brain Healthy                                                 Blueberries contain

           Smoothie Bowl                                                 ANTIOXIDANTS.
                                                                         Antioxidants may affect areas of
                                                                         your brain essential for intelligence.

           DIRECTIONS                                                    INGREDIENTS

           1.     Except for the toppings, put all                       1 banana, frozen
                  of your ingredients in a blender                       1 cup blueberries
                  and blend until smooth.                                1/2 avocado
                                                                         1 cup spinach
           2.     Pour the smoothie into a bowl.
                                                                         2 cups almond milk
           3.     Arrange your toppings on top                           1/2 cup coconut water
                  of your smoothie and enjoy!                            Toppings: fresh blueberries, sliced
                                                                         banana, coconut shavings, walnuts

                                                                                                       Brain Healthy Recipes

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