Page 11 - Issue 43
P. 11

At 2:00 p.m. a safety meeting was called for   Venders were selling jewelry, shoes and other novelties.
              all the rat rod drivers. (Safety? well...I guess it’s   Mark Faucheux, his son Josh and Josh’s friend Erik of
              important.  No kicking, punching or hitting allowed!)    Swampland Powder coating were taking part in their
              No, seriously.  Safety is an important thing at these   fi rst Swamp Stomp event. They were selling custom
              shows. Some of these rats have major horsepower,   powder coated cups and beer holders. When I asked
              and must be controlled by the drivers. We don’t   them what they thought of the show, Mark replied
              want anyone losing control and going into the     “I’ve never seen anything like it! Usually when I attend
              crowds. Not good!                                 a car show it’s just a bunch of cars parked in a lot and
                 The racing went off without a hitch.  I do think the   people walking around looking and commenting. This
              fl ag girl was pelted with a little dirt, but for the most   show was full of action! I’ve never seen such a sight. Car
              part everything was fi ne. After the racing fun, everyone   shows will never be the same after this one!” I would
              headed inside to get a little nourishment and hydration.   have to agree with you Mark.  After my fi rst rat rod
              The DJ was hopping and people were shopping.      show, I was never the same!!

                                                                                      RATRODMAGAZINE.COM  RAT ROD MAGAZINE     11

         6x11 SwampStomp.indd   11                                                                             4/4/17   8:50 AM
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