Page 72 - Issue 43
P. 72
We at Rust is NOT a probably need to modify my little default bubble thing
Crime would like to
thank everyone for their to include the fact that I am not always going to have
continued support. We I
rat rods featured on my pages. With the name of “Rust
are planning on getting
to more car shows this is NOT a Crime” I am more open to what I can and
year and hope to see you
there with us. We are still cannot share but I've been told to spin this in a way
having more fun than we that works with the culture and the spirit of the magazine,
should with this and just t
should with this and jus
wanted to thank you all anted to thank you all
w so here we go.
again. I like Volkswagens. Always been a fan of them. I was forced into owning
one over 10 years ago (thanks Anna) and haven't looked back since (well I
do look back. But that's just to make sure the car isn't rolling away) These
cars are all very similar to the rest of the vehicles in these pages. They have
the look and feel of a rat rod, but they aren't. They are their own world. None
of these cars have fancy paint jobs or anything but they've been made to
the point they are reliable and enjoyable to drive. The focus was spent more
on the drivetrains and preserving how Mother Nature painted them than
bringing their original shine back. There are many nods to simpler times
all throughout the cars with a hint of modern touches to them (yay 12 volt
conversions and radial tires!)
These cars are driven and enjoyed and I feel they fi t into the culture we all
love. The main reason we all do what we do is to get them on the road and
driving and make memories with them.
You have no idea how much fun we are having. Thanks for the continued
support and hope to see you at shows this year throughout the Midwest.
72x75 RiNAC.indd 72 4/4/17 1:43 PM