Page 67 - Issue 43
P. 67

    For this example
                                                                      For this example
                                                                      I used rivets to
                                                                      mount the cluster
                                                                      mount the cluster
                                                                      to the dash (If you
                                                                      to the dash (If you
                                                                      want your cluster
                                                                      want your cluster
                                                                      easily removable
                                                                      easily removable
                                                                      you will want to
                                                                      you will want to
                                                                      use small bolts
                                                                      rather than

                                                                    There it is; 10
                                                                 basic steps to making a
            Step 10: Clean up all the edges, give the cluster the desired   basic steps to making a
                                                                 basic gauge cluster in your backyard garage.
            fi nish and mount it!                                 basic gauge cluster in your backyard garage.
                                                                 If you want to see these steps outlined in video format, go
               Tip:  If you want the material to look expensive or   to my YouTube and watch the video demonstration! www.
                  artistic, use some scuffpads (I have pictured an
                  empire abrasives scuff pad), which can give a     If you’d like to fabricate something a little more
                  very nice “Brushed” look. Clearing over that will   intricate in nature, make sure to check out the next
                  maintain the look for a long time. The best clear   couple issues of the magazine. Within the next 2 articles, I
                  fi nish (I have found) to apply DIRECTLY to a bare   will lay out additional sheet metal techniques that can put
                  steel surface, without any primers, is the “2k   your gauge cluster (and any other parts) onto a higher
                  urethane” by Por-15.                           level of quality.

                                                                                     RATRODMAGAZINE.COM  RAT ROD MAGAZINE     67

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