Page 70 - Issue 43
P. 70
It is hardly commonplace redemption on the other
for hip-hop and rock to become side of addiction. Who
bonded bedfellows. And it takes a can forget the indelible
crafty vision to mesh the disparate chorus: “I don’t ever
musical species in a way that begets want to feel, like I did that day/
fi re and ice in a single song. Take me to the place I love, take me
“Under the Bridge,” the 1992 all the way.” ‘Under the Bridge’ might
global hit from Red Hot Chili Now press reset. Imagine the save some lives and inspire a
Peppers, is a moody, potent exposè enduring song with commanding new generation,” says Jared Lee
about alienation, despondency and lyrical verses—cogent and again Gosselin, Partner of 1520 and
the search for one’s truth. charged with strife—accompanied producer of the track. His pedigree
Lead singer Anthony by the Chili Peppers’ chorus includes production credits for
Kiedis penned loaded with 8-cylinder gusto via a Velvet Revolver, Serj Tankian,
the platinum- fl aming, fi erce female vocal. Meet DMC, Macy Gray, India.Arie, KRS-
selling song Chino XL and Rama Duke, both One and Musiq Soulchild. In 2013,
as he found partnering with independent Gosselin was awarded a Latin
music label 1520 Entertainment. Grammy for Beto Cuevas’ album
“Under the Bridge” is, in fact, the “Transformacion.”
launch single for the company, In fact, because of the unsettling
which aims to release a new theme of “Under the Bridge,” 1520
single from its eclectic is working to make its mark on
roster each month local communities. The label is
throughout 2017. contributing a portion of the song’s
“We hope revenues to the California-based
that our Action Family Foundation, which
hybrid works with youth and their families
version to resolve issues related to drugs,
of alcohol, sex and gangs.
The inspiration for this modern
version of “Under the
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