Page 71 - Issue 43
P. 71
Bridge” was fi rst inspired after “Under the Bridge,” Chino offers the Bridge’ will not only be a defi ning
Gosselin worked with Rama when a cautionary tale about addiction: moment for the label, but for pop
she was signed to Hollywood “I’m the rose petal that fell from its culture as well.”
Records for a multi-album deal in pedestal, unbearable God witnesses “Under the Bridge” has been
the early part of the millennium. the frozen princesses couldn’t let it released to all major digital download
“So passionate, such a unique tone go/The interruption of a king, my slim sites, and was released to CHR and
and super talented,” he says of the heroine’s grin taught me that I had Urban radio stations on March 06, 2017.
raucous vocalist. “Truly one of the even more to lose than everything.”
most gifted singers I have worked Follow that with Rama’s hair-raising Video can be seen here:
with.” Rama was working on a rock roar of the chorus.
album and in the studio with a band Add to the song’s potency the fact
covering “Under the Bridge” live, that this is no off-hand interpretation. More info:
with a full-on grinding, grimacing Both artists infuse the production
rock vibe. It was never released. with their own life lessons. Rama
Meanwhile, Gosselin and says, “I was a pretty angry child who
Chino XL had forged a years-long moved all over the place, always
fruitful relationship. The latter was wearing headphones and listening to
discovered and pacted at age 16 music that came out raw where the
by Grammy-winning legend Rick singer wasn’t afraid to say what they
Rubin and released several MTV felt. I understand the struggle and I
staple singles, while also working think that is part of everything I sing.”
as an actor in TV and fi lms and Adds Chino, “My history is
collaborating with the likes of Travis similar, so for me, the song is about
Barker, J Dilla, Immortal Technique, overcoming a less than perfect
Snoop Dogg, Tech N9ne, Cypress childhood, and the struggles of youth.
Hill and Proof (D12). So I relate to a message about
Gosselin says, “He is one of the survival, of never bowing down
top lyricists I have ever worked with. as you work to overcome
His writing and fl ow are something whatever the darkness
that few can accomplish.” As the brings.” Add to that the
pair developed new material, the clever—if harrowing—
producer had an epiphany. “It just metaphor he brings
kind of hit me in the studio with out in the lyric,
Chino. What an amazing remix this referring to heroin
could be. Rama has already given as a one-time
it rebirth; now if I could fi nd a way heroine.
to discover a way that would fi t “I wanted
Chino’s lyrical style.” 1520
In fact, the three have forged Entertainment
such a creative kinship that they are to come out
discussing integrating their talents of the gate at
into a 1520 trio partnership called a gallop, not a
“A Bad Day For Sorry.” Stayed trot,” Gosselin says.
tuned for that. “I’d like to believe
Meanwhile, in the refashioned that our version of ‘Under
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