Page 3 - Issue 39
P. 3
Issue #39 OCT./NOV. 2016
Editors NotEs 04
dirtY 30 06
PriNCEtoN CAr sHoW 10
ErAtiCAtE CANCEr CrUisE 14
BACK to tHE FiFtiEs 18
GrooVY’s rEsUrrECtioN sHoW 22
AtoMiC BLAst 26
doWNsHiFtiNG 30
tiNMAN ii: tooLs 36
BiG NAstY 40
JoEY’s 30 Ford 46
toMMY’s tooLBoX 50
PorK rEPort 56
CHArLottE stEAM 60
rEAdEr ridEs 64
sHoP doGs 66
rUst is Not A CriME 68
tENNEssEE tWo-soME 70
siLVEr stAtE siNistEr 72
Artist ProFiLE 76
Word 82 Rat Rod Magazine 3
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