Page 8 - Issue 39
P. 8

The body came from Oregon and was remarkably      it all went together. It’s all connected to a ’51 Ford F100
             free of rust, needing only a few patch panels. “Looking   straight axle. Wheels are ’28 Model A wires up front and
             back, I wish I would have left it alone,” says Chad. All of   22” GM transit wheels in the rear. The spiked lugnuts
             the original wood framing was removed and replaced   are of Chad’s design. He didn’t see anything he liked for
             with metal. The entire interior was covered in sheet   sale anywhere, so he took 8 inches of 7/8” hex stock and
             metal after a date with a bead roller and some dimple   made his own. Of course, he also had to make a 10-inch
             dies to church things up a bit. It’s also been chopped   socket for installation and removal. But rest assured his
             3.5 inches. The only wood in the body are the tobacco   wheels probably won’t be stolen any time soon.
             sticks from the family farm that run over the roof. When   Power comes from a 327 Chevy that was pulled
             the weather dictates, a faux alligator tonneau snaps   from a ’67 Chevelle that his father still owns. It’s been
             over them. That same material adorns the phenomenally   gone through to the tune of about 400 horsepower by
             comfortable seats that are installed in the interior. Chad   Chad’s estimation. He originally was going to go with
             loved the look of the traditional bomber seats, but they   a fl athead motor for the sound and the nostalgia but
             are notoriously uncomfortable. Since he actually wanted   again, drivability was supposed to be the focus. They do
             to drive his car, mom stepped in and whipped up the   run well, but if one breaks in the middle of nowhere you
             plush beauties you see here. Lucky for Chad that his   have almost no shot at fi nding parts for it very quickly.
             mom, Ronda is a seamstress by trade and knows just   The motor is backed by a T5 5-speed and a 3.73 posi unit
             what to do. Moms always do, right?                  from a K5 Blazer. This combo allows Chad to loaf along
               Chad’s a welder by trade so sorting out and building   at about 1500 RPM at 70 MPH in fi fth gear. The headers
             a new frame out of 2x3 square tubing was no big     were built by Chad and a couple of buddies to get the
             deal. It kicks up a huge two feet in the back for the   exact size and angle that he wanted.
             appropriate ride height. He wanted something different   Chad’s father, Steve lives less than a mile away
             for the suspension up front and decided to go with a   and helped out a bunch on the build. Even though his
             cantilevered system with air bags. He searched all over   father was skeptical at fi rst about his son’s intentions
             the internet for something he liked but couldn’t really   with the car, he fi nally relented after it was fi nished.
             fi nd anything. In his search, he met Josh, who happens   Others that helped out include Nick Lawrence, a friend
             to be pretty good at designing these setups. Chad   of Chad’s who’s into blacksmithing. Nick designed
             bugged him and then bugged him some more, and       and built the cool steering wheel.  Mike Pierce, Jordan
             Josh fi nally relented. So one night he showed up with   ‘Level 30’, Junior Ferris and Bentley Ferris were also
             a box of parts and it was Chad’s job to fi gure out how   instrumental in the build.


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