Page 60 - Issue 39
P. 60
The high school rat rod program we’ve been begging for!
his folks, is exactly what you think it is: a program bringing the
love of hot rod and rat rod culture into the nation’s high schools.
On these pages you’ll see something profound. No, not just
some project cars or some kids tinkering around in shop class.
TWhat you see here is the future.
The program cleverly uses the term in the program, and with the amount of
R.A.T. (Radically Alternative Thinking) to support they’re getting you can only expect
describe the high levels of problem solving participation to grow.
and critical thinking needed to build one We’ve had many conversations here at
of these things. These instructed high the magazine about this type of a program
school rat rod builds are being built by – Steve SR wanted to teach a rat rod class
several high school teams and will be on in high schools before the magazine even
display at Charlotte STEAMfest in April of fi rst hit stores. Rat Rod Magazine builders
2017. (You can bet your butt we’ll be there Bryan Dagel, Tommy Ring, and many others
to check out the fi nal builds!) As of right have all discussed it. Why? Because it’s
now they have over 10 schools enrolled important, and it’s real.
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