Page 73 - Issue 44
P. 73
funny” or “he’s got a great personality”, but to
you, he’s just an ugly dude and a total waste
on a beautiful woman. Sound a little strong?
Go to a few car shows and look for yourself.
You can’t explain away an ugly dude with a
beautiful chick, and you can’t explain away
an ugly front end on a cool Hotrod. Thus, we
start our straight axle build on this Willy’s.
For a little background, different auto
brands had different width axle’s. Chevy
was very narrow, Ford a little wider, and
Dodge wider still. We chose a 68-69
Dodge Truck straight axle for the Willy’s
because even sectioned this Willy’s
is wider than most 30’s - 40’s Rods.
Because the frame had to be wider, the
axle also needed to be so the radius Rod brackets
axle also needed to be so the radius Rod brackets
do a traverse spring set
would line up with the frame. A Chevy axle for
would line up with the frame. A Chevy axle for do a traverse spring set
up, which I highly recommend, go to Tommy
example would have put the radius rods to the inside up, which I highly recommend, go to Tommy
example would have put the radius rods to the inside
of the frame instead of the outside where they need Ring Videos on Youtube and watch my video on
to be. Now to install, we begin with the beginning Traverse spring set up. For those without the net, I
which is the basics. With frame sitting on blocks will explain this thoroughly.
the height you intend to run, roll the axle on wheels I have a bracket I sell that has a plate that bolts
and tires (the size you intend to use) up to the front or welds to the axle pad on your straight axle. It
of the frame. Center the axle on the frame perch has two holes 5” apart for your radius rods, one hole
welded onto the front of the frame. Measure from for your spring perch, and one for your shock. The
back to front tires and to a fixed point on rear end spring perches can be ordered through Speedway
and front axle. This is to double check yourself. and they house the shackles, which connects to the
Also measure from wheel backing plate to frame leaf spring. The leaf spring runs from left to right
on each side, and when all of this checks out the and is connected with U bolts to the frame perch.
same, scotch your tires into place back and front of There’s a simple solution to the radius rods and will
tires. You’re now ready to do some plumbing. To save you $. Go to any hardware, Home Depot, or
72x75 TommysToolbox.indd 73 6/1/17 1:15 PM