Page 36 - THE MATHMATE November 2024
P. 36
twenty of the same items. At the end of the walk, steps you will take to walk across. Write down
examine your data, graph it in a bar graph or your estimate before you walk across and stop at
pictograph, and then calculate the percent of Post 1.
each type of item found, and then use the data
and percentages to create a circle graph. At the Compare your estimate with the number of steps
end of the trail walk, be sure to write down other you took. Remember your estimated number –
ideas for using your data. you will use it later!
Math Activity #5
Math Activity #2 As you walk along the trail to Post 2, notice the
Begin the Math Trail at the Education Center symmetry in the leaves and plants. Symmetry is
(bathhouse). Look closely at the steps going when two halves of something are the same.
down to Lake Placid. If you have a partner, take Think of a butterfly, a heart shape. These shapes
turns walking down the steps, with ONE of you have symmetry. What do you see that has
placing your hand on the head or shoulder of the symmetry?
person in front of you. Notice which steps feel
different as your partner walks down them. Then, Math Activity #6
step down behind them. Discuss why the steps Stop at Post 2. Notice the different patterns in the
feel different. bark of the trees. Can you identify the trees by
name? Identify trees that are the same kind of
Math Activity #3 tree by the bark. How else can you identify the
Trade places with your partner and repeat the same species of tree?
activity. If you are alone, if you have one, use a
yardstick. Without a yardstick determine some Math Activity #7
other type of measure to find differences in the As you walk along the trail, look across Lake
step heights and treads. Find a straight stick and Placid at the dock. Estimate how far it is across
lay it from one step to another. As you move it, the lake. What strategies could you use to
notice the difference of the “steepness” of the determine the actual distance? Discuss them with
stick on the different steps. This is called the a partner or group. Continue recording items you
slope. Which slope makes the most comfortable find on the trail.
when stepping down the stairs?
Math Activity #8
Math Activity #4 After passing Post 3, walk about 20-30 paces and
Turn to the left at the bottom of the steps. Walk you will come to a place where there are fallen
along the lake until you come to the footbridge. trees on the side of the trail near the lake. You can
Before crossing the bridge, estimate how many explore the relationship (ratio) of the
Scctm The MathMate 36 Volume 44/Number 1 October 2024