Page 77 - 2024 Program File
P. 77
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
Thinking Mathematically Together
Session 103 will be held in the Carolina B Room from 2:10 - 3:00
The Alligator Eats the Bigger Number
During this session, par�cipants will examine words and phrases teachers may say
during math instruc�on that lead to misconcep�ons and confusion. Par�cipants
will iden�fy why these are confusing to young mathema�cians and will leave with
a more coherent and precise way of integra�ng the intended mathema�cal
vocabulary. Grades 3 - 5
Dawn Jacobs, Pelion Middle School, Lexington School District 1
Session 104 will be held in Lexington B Room from 2:10 - 3:00
How EdVenture is Suppor�ng Mathema�cal Thinking and
From numbers to shapes to paterns to measuring, EdVenture has created an
exhibit space dedicated to engaging our youngest mathema�cians and their
caregivers in experiences to build their mathema�cal thinking and expression. The
Cube is a space filled with ac�vi�es that promote the skills found in the South
Carolina Early Learning Standards. Early Childhood Grades
Bri Tribet
Educa�on Ini�a�ves Manager, EdVenture