Page 78 - 2024 Program File
P. 78

Thursday, November 21, 2024

                                                Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
                                            Thinking Mathematically Together

                                   Session 105 will be held in Richland A Room from 2:10 - 3:00

                                  Decoding Our Students’ Messy Boards

               Students arrive with messy boards, not blank slates. This workshop tells the story
               of G6 - A2 linear func�ons per the new SC Standards for Mathema�cs, assessing
               high-cogni�ve-demand tasks. We’ll make conjectures about what students might

               bring on their messy boards and help them decode them to engage and
               produc�vely struggle with math tasks. Grades 6 - 12

                                               Sarah Jones, Carnegie Learning

                                              Dr. Lisa Stueve, Carnegie Learning

                                 Session 106 will be held in The Richland A Room from 2:10 - 3:00

                           Conceptual vs Procedural: What's the Big Deal?

               Whether you are a cer�fied math enthusiast or not, this session is sure to get your
               brain flipping and spinning. Join us for an immersive conversa�on on the

               pedagogy of teaching transforma�ons conceptually vs procedurally while using
               Texas Instruments technology and the Derivita pla�orm. Get ready to ac�vely
               engage in this hands-on, minds-on session! Grades 6 - 12

                                                    Beth Smith, Derivita
                                                    Sherri Abel, Derivita

                                  Session 107 will be held in the Richland C Room from 2:10 - 3:00
                               Exploring Func�ons with TI-84 Technology

               Func�ons play a vital role in our mathema�cs classroom. In this session we will
               use TI-84 Plus technology to build and strengthen conceptual understanding of

               func�ons in Prealgebra to PreCalculus.  Grades 6 - 12

                                                Ruth Casey, Texas Instruments

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