Page 79 - 2024 Program File
P. 79

Thursday, November 21, 2024

                                                Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
                                            Thinking Mathematically Together

                                 Session 108 will be held in the Congaree A Room from 2:10 - 3:00

                  A Ques�on Ain't Really a Ques�on, if you Know the Answer


               We will look at a variety of Math Talks levels. You will learn how increasing the
               levels will benefit students as mathema�cians, and help a teacher understand
               what their students really know about their students thinking and understanding.

               General Audience

                                               Ryan Dougherty, Brainingcamp

                                 Session 109 will be held in the Congaree B Room from 2:10 - 3:00

                     Discovering Angles of a Circle using Frac�on Circles and


               Par�cipants will receive sets of Frac�on Circles and Exploragons to explore the
               variety of angles related to the circle. A�er a brief review of the pieces,
               par�cipants will delve into how the measures of central angles, inscribed angles,

               interior angles, and exterior angles are determined. This is a hands-on
               teaching/learning session. Grades 6 - 12

                                                 Mark Baetz, EAI Educa�on

                                             A Special Thank You to Boeing

                                  Many thanks go out to Boeing for their
                                  generous support of the South Carolina

                                  All-State Math Team through SCCTM and
                                  the Blackbaud Fund. Their employee
                                  matched donations helped to provide
                                  exceptional opportunities for talented students. We are grateful for

                                  your commitment to fostering mathematical excellence in our state.

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