Page 11 - 2022_03 Resource Guide
P. 11

MEDICAID AND FUNDING FUNERAL PLANS                                 SECURE

            To qualify for Medicaid certain requirements must be met.  Pre-paying  for  funeral  expenses  with  Wilks  Funeral
            These may include your age, income and other assets. Be-  Home is also secure. The funds are held by a third par-
            cause Medicaid eligibility is based on need, a person is not  ty insurance company. Making them transferable in the
            eligible to receive benefits if they have income or assets  event of relocation.
            that exceed the limits established by each state or coun-
            ty. If someone’s assets are more than the state allows, he       CONCLUSION
            or she will have to liquidate their assets to pay for care
            before they will receive aid from the program. Assets in-  Kari May, our funeral planning advisor, can assist
            clude checking/savings accounts, mutual funds, stocks and   you in pre-arranging your funeral plan at Wilks
            bonds, deferred annuities, the cash value of most life insur-  Funeral Home. Planning with Wilks will give you
            ance policies, revocable living trusts, and retirement funds.  such  a  feeling  of  alleviation  and  accomplish-
                                                                ment once your plan has been completed and
            Prepaying your funeral with our funeral homes is one of   in hands you can trust. Once finished you can
            the ways you can protect your assets from being consid-  assure your family that everything is in order at
            ered a liability against Medicaid approval. Funds in our   Wilks Funeral Home.
            prepaid funeral plans are exempt and not considered part
            of your assets. This must be done properly in order to be
            legally  binding.  This  process  ensures  that  you  have  the
            money you need for the remembrance that you want. It       Kari May
            will also relieve your family of the burden of funeral ex-  FUNERAL PLANNING ADVISOR
            penses during their time of loss. Finally, it is a lawful way   email:
            to reduce your assets and make sure you are eligible for
            the health care assistance you need.

                        QUICK FACTS

            •   The cost of pre-paid funeral plans
               are guaranteed.

            •  Pre-planning relieves stress and creates
               peace of mind for self and loved ones.

            •  Payment options are available to
               fit any budget.

            •  Life insurance does not take the place
               of pre-planning.

            •  Medicaid does not cover final expenses.

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