Page 15 - 2022_03 Resource Guide
P. 15

Meet Our Team

                   Aaron Rowbury                     Caleb Burke                     Brad Sparrow
                    FUNERAL DIRECTOR                FUNERAL DIRECTOR                 FUNERAL DIRECTOR

            Aaron  started  his  funeral  service  ca-  Caleb  was  born  in  Pocatello.  Growing   Brad has almost 35 years of experience
            reer in 2016 at a funeral home in Utah.   up in Pocatello, and eventually moving   in  the  funeral  industry,  beginning  his
            He obtained his degree in Mortuary   to Moreland, he graduated from Snake   career in 1987. He graduated from Cy-
            Science  from  Salt  Lake  Community   River High School in 2001. He is active in   press Community College in California
            College in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2016.   his church and is always willing to help   with a degree in Mortuary Science. He
            He also completed his Bachelor’s de-  in any way he can. Caleb served a full-  was recognized as being on the Dean’s
            gree  in  Psychology  from  Utah  State   time mission for his church in Nashville,   Honor Roll. He spent 10 years working
            University in 2019.             Tennessee, and went on to complete a   in the Sacramento, California area and
                                            local service mission in Pocatello.  4  years  in  Kallispell,  Montana.  Brad
            Aaron  was  introduced  to  the  funeral                         has been with Colonial Funeral Home
            profession  by  his  wife’s  grandfather.   Caleb  started  his  career  in  funeral   since 2007.
            He  began  working  with  a  funeral   service  in  2002  at  Colonial  Funer-
            home in Utah and fell in love with the   al  Home. He obtained his degree in   He considers both Preston and Pocatel-
            profession. He was born and raised in   Mortuary  Science  from  Mt.  Hood   lo to be his hometowns. He is married
            Aberdeen, Idaho. He joined Wilks Fu-  Community  College,  dedicating  him-  to Kathy (Beery) and they have two chil-
            neral home in 2018, and is honored to   self to the bereaved and their loved   dren, a daughter, Shayla (Nathan) and
            serve the wonderful families of South-  ones. He honors and strives in all as-  their three children; and a son, Preston.
            east Idaho.                     pects of his life to live up to the trust   Brad is active in his church and served
                                            others place in him; recognizing that   a two year mission in St. Louis, Missou-
            Aaron  and  his  wife  Aumberly  have   trust is a truly sacred gift.  ri and Nauvoo, Illinois. He enjoys may
            two children. They love being outside,                           outdoor activities.
            spending time with family, and going   Caleb  and  his  wife  Jexi  are  parents
            on walks. The Rowbury family is huge   to five amazing children. The Burkes
            BYU fans and love playing and watch-  love everything outdoors! They par-
            ing sports together.            ticularly enjoy family camping, fishing
                                            and  hiking  trips.  They  love  going  to
                                            sporting events and spending time in
                                            Island Park.

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