Page 18 - 2022_03 Resource Guide
P. 18

Meet Our Team

                    Kari May                      Rebecca Seedall                   Jared Wilks
             FUNERAL PLANNING ADVISOR            FINANCIAL MANAGER                    EMBALMER

          Kari May has been with Wilks Funeral   Rebecca is a native of Southeastern Ida-  Jared  was  born  and  raised  in  South
          Home  since  2009.  Kari  was  born  and   ho and graduated from Bonneville High   Eastern  Idaho,  graduating  from  High-
          raised  in  Southeast Idaho  where she   School. She and her husband Jay, have   land  High  school  and  attending  Idaho
          graduated  from  Marsh  Valley  High   lived  in  several  states,  eventually  set-  State  University,  where  he  completed
          School. After graduation, Kari went on   tling in Pocatello in 2008. They love liv-  his Bachelors of Science degree in Zool-
          to  earn  her  life  and  health  insurance   ing in Bannock County and being close   ogy. Jared has worked both in the infor-
          license  and  also  attended  Idaho  State   to  family.  Rebecca  and  Jay  have  five   mation/technology industry and in real
          University  majoring  in  public  health.   amazing  children,  three  incredible  in-  estate sales.
          Kari  then  served  a  mission  for  her   laws and four adorable grandchildren.
          church to Santiago, Chile. Upon return-                          Jared  and  his  wife  have  four  children
          ing from her mission, she continued her   Rebecca  loves  to  spend  time  doing   and  enjoy  spending  time  in  nature,
          education  and  graduated  from  Idaho   home renovations, reading, fly fishing   camping,  hiking  and  trail  riding.  They
          State University with a degree in health   with  her  husband,  and  most  impor-  have recently discovered a love of trav-
          education and a minor in Spanish.  tantly  spending  time  outdoors  with   el but also very much enjoy spending
                                           her family.                     time together at their home in the can-
          Kari  lives  in  Chubbuck  with  her  hus-                       yon near Pocatello where they garden
          band, Kurt and their five children. She   Rebecca  joined  Wilks  Funeral  Home   and raise animals.
          enjoys  reading,  jogging,  softball,  cy-  as  the  Financial  Manager  in  early
          cling,  cooking,  camping  and  anything   2021.  She  has  multiple  years  of  ex-
          that is family oriented. Kari has enjoyed   perience  in  managing  finances  for  a
          serving  the  people  in  our  community   small family business. Rebecca’s goal
          with  their  funeral  planning  and  looks   is  to  focus  on  the  business  finances
          forward to many more years of service.  which will allow Funeral Directors to
                                           focus on their clients’ needs.

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