Page 19 - 2022_03 Resource Guide
P. 19

Meet Our Team

                    Colby Seedall             Gordon & Tamra Wilks               Michael & Velma Jones
                      APPRENTICE                   FUNERAL ASSISTANTS               FUNERAL ASSISTANTS

            Colby Seedall, is a native to Southeast   Gordon  and  Tamra  Wilks  co-found-  Michael and Velma were born and raised
            Idaho. Graduating from Highland High   ed  Wilks  Funeral  Home.  Gordon  was   in Preston and Weston Idaho. Although
            School in 2018. Colby served a two year   raised  in  Bloomington,  Idaho,  Tamra   they  grew  up  just  three  miles  apart,
            mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of   in  Pocatello.  They  were  both  educat-  it  wasn’t  until  after  Michael  returned
            Latter Day Saints in Independence, Mis-  ed in the Pocatello School System, and   from serving a mission in Bolivia, South
            souri. He and wife Makayla were mar-  Gordon  graduated  from  Idaho  State   America for the Church of Jesus Christ of
            ried in  June of 2020. They have been   University in 1968. Gordon and Tamra   Latter Day Saints that they would meet.
            traveling and living in Salt Lake City the   raised and educated six children in Po-  They were married in 1977 at the Ogden
            past  year  but  have  come  back  to  Po-  catello. All have attended Idaho State   Temple. They have four wonderful chil-
            catello to start their careers. Although   University. Gordon served aboard the   dren and eleven beautiful grandchildren.
            no children yet, Colby and Makayla love   guided  missile  destroyer  PARSONS  in
            to spend time with their dog Lincoln.   the South China Sea and Gulf of Tonkin   Michael graduated from Utah State Uni-
                                            during the Viet Nam Era. Gordon was   versity.  His  Business/Public  Relations
            Colby enjoys spending his free time in   discharged from the U.S. Navy with the   major  lead  him  to  a  career  with  the
            Island  park.  Fly  fishing  is  his  favorite   rank of Lieutenant Commander.   Quick Lube industry and the family lived
            and  he  seldom  passes  up  any  chance                         in Utah, California and Oregon during his
            that comes along to go. When fishing   Gordon  has  been  the  Broker/Own-  working  years.  At  retirement  in  2020,
            isn’t an option, Colby enjoys spending   er  of  Gate  City  Real  Estate  Company,   the  couple  returned  home  to  Idaho  to
            time with his wife, doing physical exer-  since 1982, and has been active in lo-  be closer to family.
            cise and backpacking.           cal youth programs, Rotary, and Junior
                                            Achievement. Tamra has been heavily   Velma  worked  as  a  bookkeeper  for  23
            Colby  started  working  with  Wilks  Fu-  involved  in  causes  involving  women’s   years. She also volunteered for Girl Scout
            neral  Home  doing  maintenance  on   issues.  Gordon and Tamra enjoy their   camp staff and taught youth in Seminary
            the grounds and polishing the fleet in   opportunity  in  further  serving  their   for many years.
            2016. He worked through high school   community in this important endeavor.
            with Wilks Funeral Home. Today, he is                            Michael and Velma enjoy taking walks
            a successful licensed apprentice. Colby                          together and share something unique.
            is great to assist funeral directors with                        Michael has a twin sister. Velma has a
            everyday items to better serve the fam-                          twin  sister. Their only  son  has a twin
            ilies in our community.                                          sister too.

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