Page 17 - 2022_03 Resource Guide
P. 17
Meet Our Team
Deanna Raschke JoEllen Hyde Stephanie Shutes
Deanna was born in the small town of JoEllen was born and raised in Po- Stephanie grew up in Blackfoot, Ida-
Moore, Idaho. There she was raised catello. She attended area schools, ho and graduated from Blackfoot High
along with her three sisters. She attend- graduating from ISU with a degree School. After graduation, she attend-
ed schools in Moore and Arco, Idaho, in Nursing and Dental Assisting. She ed Ricks College, where she earned an
graduating from Butte County High spent a total of 20 years in the dental Associate’s Degree in Sports Medicine.
School in 1974. She then moved to Po- field. In 2014 she decided to make a It was while attending Idaho State Uni-
catello in 1979. In 1994 Deanna married career change and began working at versity that she met her husband. They
Richard Williams, they spent 18 years Colonial Funeral Home. were engaged just 3 weeks later and
together until Richard passed away in married later that year.
2012 after being diagnosed with cancer. She is married to Richard Hyde and
She then met the love of her life, Paul they have four children in their blend- Stephanie and her husband have four
Raschke. They had an enthusiastic con- ed family. She enjoys photography, daughters Megan, Sari, Mia and So-
nection for one another and formed an crafting, outdoor activities, traveling phie, that they love dearly. She enjoys
eternal bond in the short time they had and spending time with her grand- camping, quilting, and anything family
together. Paul passed away in 2020. children. She has a love for people oriented. She had been employed in
and is happy to serve the communi- the legal field for most of her adult life,
Deanna spent 35 years in the banking in- ty by helping families care for their and is looking forward to serving the
dustry, working for Idaho Bank & Trust, loved ones. people in the community while working
Key Bank and D.L. Evans Bank. With a at Wilks Funeral Home.
widely known reputation for kindness
and caring she decided to make a career
change and began working at Wilks Fu-
neral Home in 2015.
Deanna enjoys reading in her spare
time. She loves anything to do with
family and spending time with good
friends. Deanna looks forward to many
years of kindly serving those who have
lost loved ones.