Page 20 - 2022_03 Resource Guide
P. 20

Meet Our Team

              David & Cindy Bowen              Bob & Gayle Sweat                 J.O. & Kathy Cotant

          Dave  and  Cindy  met  Ricks  College   Bob was born and raised in Idaho and Gay-  J.O.  and  Kathy  have  been  married
          (BYU-I)  and  just  a  short  time  later  in   le in beautiful Star Valley, Wyoming. After   since 1967 and have four sons. John-
          1975,  they  were  married  in  the  Los   High School graduation and Bob’s return   ny,  Bobby,  Ryan  and  Chad.  Their
          Angeles Temple. The have six children   home  from  his  mission  to  the  Northern   blessings  also  include  nine  wonder-
          (four  sons,  two  daughters)  and  twen-  States, they met at Rick’s College (BYU-I).   ful  grandchildren  and  twenty-three
          ty-seven  wonderful  grandchildren.   They were married in August of 1965 in   beautiful  great-grandchildren,  that
          They love to sing and perform together.   the Idaho Falls Temple. So that Bob could   they love beyond measure.
          The last 45 years singing together has   finish his college education a move to Po-
          included  many  blessings,  including  25   catello for Idaho State University was re-  J.O.  and  Kathy  are  passionate  and
          years of presenting Music Firesides.  quired. Upon meeting many new friends   dedicated  to  their  service  to  others
                                           and their love for the area, they settled   and their work at the funeral home.
          Dave was born on the Fourth of July and   into their first and forever home in 1970.   Being a part of Wilks Colonial Chapel
          raised on a farm in Rexburg, Idaho. He   With  six  children,  twenty-seven  living   for 14 years has brought them count-
          was  a  masonry  contractor  and  owner   grandchildren  and  eight  great-grandchil-  less blessings.
          of Bowen Masonry for 40+ years. Dave   dren they are happy to still be a part of
          also enjoyed 32 years as an Idaho High   such a great a Community.  In their spare time - they love to go
          School  Basketball  official.  The  past  few                    camping, fishing, hunting and explor-
          years Dave has served as a chaplain for   Bob  coached  little  league  football  and   ing on their ATVs. In their words, “We
          hospice and the funeral home industries.  baseball for many years. He retired with   have  a  life  of  service  and  wouldn’t
                                           35 years of service to ISU Vo-Tech. In 2006,   change a thing.”
          Cindy is the co-founder and owner of   Gayle retired from the Church Educational
          TaVaci  School  of  Performing  Arts.  For   System. Together they have enjoyed serv-
          over  35  years she has been able to   ing several church missions. Traveling is a
          share her gift of music with thousands   favorite pastime for this couple and they
          of children.                     have been blessed with amazing trips to
                                           Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia.

                                           Bob  and  Gayle  cherish  their  time  with
                                           their amazing family and friends.

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