Page 16 - 2022_03 Resource Guide
P. 16

Meet Our Team

                   Sean Rood                       Dan Adams                        Taylor Ivie
                  FUNERAL DIRECTOR                FUNERAL DIRECTOR                 FUNERAL DIRECTOR

          Sean is from Coos Bay, Oregon. There   Dan started his funeral service career   Taylor  was  born  and  raised  in  Mack-
          he  raised  beef  cattle  on  the  family   in 2014 at a funeral home in Texas. He   ay, Idaho and graduated from Mackay
          farm. His first exposure to the funeral   graduated with his degree in Mortuary   High School before pursuing a degree
          profession  was  in  high  school,  where   Science  from  the  Dallas  Institute  of   in  Business  from  Idaho  State  Univer-
          his early morning religious seminary   Funeral  Service  and  served  the  fami-  sity.  While  in  school  she  began  her
          class met inside a funeral home. After   lies of North Texas for six years before   career in funeral service working at a
          graduating high school Sean was hired   moving  to  Idaho  to  be  closer  to  his   funeral home in 2016.
          on as funeral assistant.         children and grandchildren.
                                                                           Taylor earned her degree in Mortuary
          Sean  served  a  Spanish-speaking  mis-  Dan enjoyed a nineteen-year career in   Science  from  Des  Moines  Area  Com-
          sion for The Church of Jesus Christ of   wireless telecom before coming to fu-  munity  College  in  2020.  Taylor  feels
          Latter-day Saints in Maryland. After re-  neral service. Dan’s grandfather owned   honored  to  serve  families  and  their
          turning from his mission, Sean attend-  a  funeral  home  in  Arizona  where  he   loved  ones  in  their  time  of  need  and
          ed  BYU-Idaho  where  he  met  his  wife   would spend the summers of his youth   looks  forward  to  the  opportunity  to
          Jocelyn. After graduating, they moved   “helping”.  Seeing  how  his  grandfather   serve her community.
          to Provo where Sean worked for a local   cared  for  his  community  and  served
          funeral home while attending mortuary   each  family  with  compassion  planted   In her free time, Taylor enjoys travel-
          school. Sean graduated with a degree   the seeds that would eventually lead   ing,  playing  the  piano,  reading,  and
          in  Mortuary  Science  and  Funeral  Ser-  Dan to funeral service.  spending time with her family.
          vice from Des Moines Area Community
          College in October 2016.         Dan and his wife Dee are blessed with
                                           two children and three grandchildren all
          Sean  and  Jocelyn  are  proud  parents  of   of whom live in Pocatello. Family gath-
          their son. In his spare time, Sean enjoys   erings and spoiling grandkids are Dan’s
          spending  time  with  his  family  hiking,   favorite  pastimes,  but  he  also  enjoys
          camping,  reading,  playing  board  games   woodworking, fishing, hunting and just
          and watching movies and TV shows. Sean   being “in the woods”. Dan looks forward
          is excited to be working for Wilks Funeral   to serving the families of southeast Ida-
          Home and is grateful for the opportuni-  ho for many years to come.
          ties he has to serve the community.

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