Page 21 - 2022_03 Resource Guide
P. 21

Meet Our Team

                             Morris & Glenna Kinghorn            John & Terri Oborn
                                   FUNERAL ASSISTANTS               FUNERAL ASSISTANTS

                            Morris and Glenna originally met in Jr.   John and Terri Oborn met during a Cub Scout den
                            High School. It wasn’t until many years   meeting  when  John  was  8  years  old,  but  they
                            later they met again and blended their   weren’t interested in a relationship until they saw
                            families.  Together  they  raised  four   each  other  after  John  returned  from  serving  a
                            sons  and  a  daughter.  Glenna  worked   mission in London, England. They married three
                            for Farmers Insurance Company for 35   months later.
                            years  in  California  and  Pocatello  until
                            her retirement in 1999. Morris followed   They are the proud parents of six outstanding chil-
                            a career in the credit industry working   dren and the grandparents of eighteen incredible
                            for various companies for 44 years be-  grands. They have been the foster parents to for-
                            fore he retired in 2000.         ty-nine precious foster kids.
                            Now living in Chubbuck, Idaho, they en-  John has been employed at The JR Simplot Don
                            joy retirement, family and friends. They   Plant for 39 years and is looking forward to his
                            continue  to  be  active  in  their  church   retirement in September of 2022. Terri has been
                            and travel as much as possible. Morris   cutting and styling hair in her own salon for the
                            and Glenna have enjoyed their service   past 41 years and never wants to retire.
                            with Wilks Colonial Chapel for the past
                            5 years and look forward to many more   Terri is happiest when she is pedaling a bicycle.
                            years of service with the funeral home.  John prefers to get his miles in on his ATV with a
                                                             parade of grandkids following behind. Both love to
                                                             camp and spend time in the outdoors with family.

                                                             John and Terri are committed to the serving the un-
                                                             der privileged, volunteering in the community with
                                                             the Salvation Army and Aid for Friends. Having both
                                                             grown up in the Pocatello area, John and Terri have
                                                             many friends and are excited to serve the commu-
                                                             nity in their new role as funeral assistants.

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