Page 45 - 2022_03 Resource Guide
P. 45
One of our goals at our funeral homes is to create a relationship of trust with
those we serve, so that they feel comfortable asking any questions. We make a
commitment to answer any and all questions with honesty. Here we have compiled a
few of the common questions we receive. If you have a question that you would like to
receive a personal and professional response to, please email it to us at:
How Much Does A Funeral Cost? Why Are Funerals So Expensive? get, you should check into different
types of funerals until you find the
A funeral, like any other life event, There is a great range in prices for price that fits your budget.
can have a range of prices. It is similar services and merchandise from your
to asking “How much does a wedding local funeral directors, depending Obviously, it is difficult to comparison
cost?” Funeral costs are divided into on the type of funeral you purchase shop in an at-death situation. There-
two categories. Services, as provided and each company’s price structure. fore, it is important to speak with
by the funeral director and funeral your local funeral director ahead of
home staff; and Merchandise, such time. By pre-planning, you can find
as caskets, outer burial containers, a provider whose services and mer-
urns, etc. The price will vary greatly It Is Similar chandise fit your budget.
depending on your location, the com- To Asking
pany that is serving you and the type May I Make The Necessary
of funeral you choose. “How Much Does Arrangements In Advance?
A Wedding Cost?”
It is a Federal Trade Commission regu- Yes, usually all arrangements may
lation that all funeral-related charges be made in advance. When you plan
be itemized, printed on a general ahead, you will be able to consider
price list and made available to the The perception that funerals are too the many options available. You will
public by phone, mail or in person. expensive usually can be attribut- have the opportunity to make an in-
Therefore it is easy to comparison ed to a lack of familiarity with the formed decision about your funeral
shop and prearrange your own funer- normal price range. If you find that and cemetery arrangements, and the
al, taking advantage of competitive the price for certain services and form of memorial you prefer. You will
pricing by providers. merchandise does not fit your bud- be able to make choices that are