Page 48 - 2022_03 Resource Guide
P. 48
Funeral Processions
When Participating In When Encountering A
A Funeral Procession: Funeral Procession:
• Headlights must be illuminated and turn signals flashing. • Pedestrians and motorists must yield to the right-of-
way to any vehicle in the procession regardless of traf-
• All vehicles participating shall follow the preceding ve- fic control devices.
hicle as closely as is practicable and safe (laws requir-
ing sufficient space between vehicles are not applica- • You may not drive between vehicles in the procession
ble during the procession). (unless authorized by a police officer).
• All vehicles may follow the lead vehicle through inter- • You may not join the procession to secure right-of-way.
sections regardless of traffic control devices or right-
of-way provisions. • You may not pass a funeral procession on the right
(unless the procession is in the farthest left lane).
• Motorists in a funeral procession may not travel faster
than 55 mph on highways or interstates. • You may not enter an intersection (even on a green light)
which is occupied by vehicles involved in the procession.
• On other roads, motorists may not travel faster than
5 mph below the posted speed limit (example: if the • Any person in violation of these provisions shall be
speed limit is 35 mph, vehicles in the procession may guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, pun-
not travel faster than 30 mph). ished by a fine up to $100.
Taken from Title 49, Chapter 27 of the Idaho Statutes.