Page 47 - 2022_03 Resource Guide
P. 47

How Can I Best Shop And Compare   A  casket  made  of  solid  mahogany   Will The Funeral Home Help
                Funeral Service Providers?  would be more costly to manufacture   With Social Security And
                                            than one of soft pine wood. A casket   Veterans Death Benefits?
            The  best  method  to  shop  and  com-  with  crepe  interior  materials  would
            pare different funeral service provid-  be priced less than an interior of vel-  Quality service firms will not only as-
            ers is to go out and visit the different  vet because of the cost of the mate-  sist with securing these death bene-
            providers in your area. Getting a feel  rial. It depends upon what materials  fits, they will most likely complete all
            for the funeral home and the differ-  the casket shell is made of, the inte-  the paperwork for you.
            ent  services  that  they  provide  will  rior materials and any other features
            help you determine where you are  included in that particular model.   What Are Burial Vaults
            most  comfortable.  To  a  much  lesser                                  And Grave Liners?
            degree, you can also gain some expe-
            rience from randomly contacting var-                             These are the outside containers into
            ious firms by telephone. Talking with   Visit Different          which  the  casket  is  placed.  Burial
            friends who have used the services of   Providers To Discover    vaults are made of a variety or com-
            a funeral home or your personal expe-                            bination  of  materials  including  con-
            rience from attending funeral services   Where You Feel          crete, stainless steel, galvanized steel,
            of friends or relatives at a variety of   Most Comfortable.      copper, bronze, plastic or fiberglass. A
            funeral homes are excellent methods                              grave liner is a lightweight version of
            of comparison. You can call one of the                           a vault which simply keeps the grave
            national funeral trade associations or                           surface from sinking in.
            state  associations,  which  have  stan-  Why Would I Need To
            dards of ethics, to see whether your   Purchase Certified Copies   Must I Purchase A Burial Vault?
            local funeral homes are members.      Of A Death Certificate?
                                                                             In most areas of the country, state and
               Why Are Some Casket Prices   Certified copies are used as proof of  local law does not require that you buy
                   More Than Others?        death for the transfer of stocks and  a container to surround the casket in
                                            bonds, banking transactions and life  the grave. However, many cemeteries
            It depends  upon  the materials with  insurance. Your funeral provider can  require that you have such a container
            which the casket is made. Obviously,  help  you  determine  how many you  so that the ground will not sink. Either
            a  casket  made  of  bronze  would  be  may need to settle an estate and also  a grave liner or a burial vault will satis-
            priced higher than one made of steel.  secure them for you.      fy those requirements.

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