Page 46 - 2022_03 Resource Guide
P. 46

meaningful to both you and your fam-  neral, the final disposition , and legal  sured  memories  of  the  deceased.
          ily,  and  you  will  gain  peace  of  mind  paperwork  so  the  family  can  move  A  Gathering  of  Friends  may  include
          knowing your family and friends will be  forward. They care and safeguard the  light  refreshments  and  can  be  held
          relieved of the emotional and financial  deceased  person  until  final  disposi-  at any appropriate location, including
          burden  often  associated  with  making  tion,  including  embalming  and  re-  an  accommodating  funeral  home,  a
          arrangements  when  a  death  occurs.  storative work. They also provide the  park, a restaurant, or the home of a
          By prearranging your funeral and cem-  physical establishment in which all of  family member or friend.
          etery  arrangements,  you  benefit  by  this can be accomplished.
          purchasing at today’s prices, free from                          Will Life Insurance Pay For Funerals?
          inflationary pressures in the future.   Is A Funeral Or Memorial Service
                                             Always Held In A Funeral Home  Yes, as a convenient method of pay-
           Does The Price I Receive From The     Or Place Of Worship?      ment, most funeral homes will allow
           Funeral Home Include Everything?                                for an insurance assignment. This as-
                                           A service can usually be held at any  signment transaction is processed by
          The Funeral Director is responsible for  location that family and friends feel  the funeral home, releasing only the
          explaining all the charges that pertain  would be comfortable and appropri-  funeral expenses to the funeral ser-
          to  the  funeral  home’s  services  and  ate.  Your  funeral  director  can  assist  vice provider, and with any remaining
          merchandise  stated  on  its  general  with arranging a meaningful service.  balance going directly to the benefi-
          price list. Any additional charges may                           ciary. The insurance assignment is an
          fall under the category of cash advanc-                          effective, convenient means in which
          es.  These  additional  charges  might                           to cover funeral expenses.
          be for opening and closing the grave,   A Funeral Provides
          clergy honorarium, newspaper notices                                   How Can I Personalize
          flowers, organist, church sexton, etc.   The Focal Point For             A Funeral Service?

                 What Purpose Does           Which The Healing             One way is to bring  personal  items
                  A Funeral Serve?            Process Can Begin.           into the funeral home to be displayed
                                                                           in  or  near  the  casket.  Example:  an
          The  funeral  and  the  ceremony  that                           avid golfer might have a favorite put-
          accompanies  it  are  indeed  very  im-                          ter placed in the casket. An avid hunt-
          portant.  For  those  who  are  left  be-                        er or fisherman might have some of
          hind,  a  funeral  provides  a  place  for   Do Clergy Always Officiate  their personal effects or trophies dis-
          family and friends to gather for sup-  At A Funeral Service?     played on a memory table. A person
          port and to reminisce; an opportunity                            who  quilted  could  have  the  casket
          to celebrate the life and accomplish-  In  conjunction  with,  or  sometimes  draped with a quilt they made. An art-
          ments of a loved one; a chance to say  in place of a clergy person, family or  ist could have their work displayed. A
          goodbye;  and  the  focal  point  from  friends may share personal thoughts,  person’s  favorite  rocking  chair  cold
          which the healing process can begin.  memories and feelings about the de-  be brought to the funeral home and
          The funeral identifies that a person’s  ceased as part of the service. Offici-  placed next to the casket.
          life  has  been  lived,not  that  a  death  ating funerals is also a task that the
          has occurred. It is also important to  funeral director could perform if the   Must An Obituary Be
          notify  the  community  that  this  per-  family so desired.         Published In A Newspaper?
          son  has died.  There are people be-
                                                     unction Less F
                                              Can A F
          yond the immediate family who have   Can A Function Less Formal   The publication of an obituary notice
          the right to grieve a death.            Than A F uneral Or       is a matter of your personal choice.
                                                  Than A Funeral Or
                                                          e Be Arranged?
                                            Memorial Service Be Arranged?  While  most  newspapers  control  the
                                            Memorial Ser
            What Do Funeral Directors Do?                                  editorial  format,  you  have  the  right
                                           Yes. A Gathering of Friends is a less   to limit the amount of information, if
          They arrange and provide an orderly  formal  event.  It  allows  family  and   any, provided to them.
          series of events that finalize the fu-  friends to share their loss and trea-
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