Page 74 - ScopeCompendiumBook
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duties and regular health monitoring was carried    of  the  biggest  crew  change  exercises  ‘Operation
            out.  Sanitizers  and  masks  were  provided  to  all   Nishtha’.  It  involved  meticulous  planning,  arran-
            the  employees  and  secondary  workforce.  Proper   ging resources, getting statutory permissions,
            sanitization of all offices and work places is being   support  from  MoPNG  and  Civil  Aviation,  local
            carried out to prevent the spread of COVID-19.      administration of all work centres, ensuring safety
                                                                of  employees  etc.  CMD  along  with  Directors  of
            Social  media  campaigns  were initiated to spread   ONGC,  ensured  all  permissions,  monitored  the
            awareness  about  the  Pandemic  and  preventive    entire  operation  and  provided necessary timely
            measures. Messages regarding social distancing,     guidance, support & approvals to the teams who
            staying home during lockdown, AVs on measures       were leaving no stone unturned to ensure success
            to contain the spread of COVID-19, on continuous    of smooth crew change operation.Timely help from
            field operations to ensure supply of oil and gas to   the Ministry of Oil and Natural Gas ensured that
            the nation, various CSR efforts being undertaken at   the approvals from central government are in place
            all work centres, innovations by ONGC employees,    and  special  permission  to  fly  chartered  aircrafts
            messages from top management and celebrity          of  National  Carrier  Air  India  was  provided.All
            ONGC  sports  persons  and  family  members  of  the   employees were properly tested as per protocol
            employees  etc.  were  regularly shared  on  social   and employees with only negative test reports
            media.                                              were sent for duty.

                                                                Medical support to address health crisis
            A  24x7  helpdesk  OCAY  (ONGC  COVID-19
            Assistance  for  You)  was  developed  on  ONGC     Medical   fraternity  started  awareness   about
            websites  for  all  employees  &  ex-employees  and   COVID-19  in  all  the  work  centres  of  ONGC  from
            their families to address  their issues  pertaining to   February itself through workshops and expert talks.
            the Pandemic and provide help.                      Special sessions were conducted for secondary
                                                                workforce. Team medical of ONGC ensured online
            ONGC HR proactively engaged with the employees      consultation  for  all  employees  and  ex-  employees
            and their families regularly to enquire about their   and their family members  and worked out and
            wellbeing and provided complete  assistance,        executed the plan to get the medicines delivered at
            whenever  required.  In  order  to  ensure  that our   their doorsteps. Doctors personally attended to any
            secondary workforce do not face any hardship,       emergency accompanying patients to the hospitals, if
            timely payments were done and vendor payments       required and followed up with them over telephone.
            were done on the basis of digitally signed (Class-3)/
            scanned invoice during the period of lockdown.      Extensive  awareness  campaigns  through  ONGC
                                                                web portals, physical and electronic displays was
            In order to keep the employees gainfully engaged    carried  out  to  make  employees  aware  of  DOs  &
            and for their knowledge enhancement during          Don’ts  related  to  COVID-19.  On-duty  doctors
            the lockdown  period,  various  online training     are  present  24x7  in  all  operational  installations  of
            programmes for the employees (and ex-employees)     ONGC.  In  offshore  installations  on  the  Arabian
            were  conducted  by  ONGC.  Various  initiatives    Sea and the Bay of Bengal, a dedicated  helicopter
            for the families and employees like Mask Making     is available (Medivac) for evacuating employees (in
            contest, story writing contest – Humans of ONGC     case of emergency).
            etc. were taken.
                                                                Team medical coordinated with the empanelled
            CMD, ONGC led from the front in launching one       hospitals for any emergency admission  for

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