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and three district hospitals in Tamil Nadu. Support   Innovation, R&D and Technological
            was also  provided  for facilitating 2 quarantine   breakthrough
            room in Rajahmundry and for hiring of ambulance     [A] COVID-19 disruptions led to innovation at
            dedicated  for  COVID-19  Isolation  Centre  in  Uran,   ONGC Ahmedabad Asset and Ankleshwar
                                                                Foot - Operated hand wash Mechanism
            Support to COVID frontline warriors
                                                                During  these  challenging  times,  there  has  been  a
            To strengthen the efforts of the frontline corona   constant  endeavour  among  the  ONGC  employees
            warriors, 1,53,204 PPE kits were provided to health   to  think  out-of-the-box  solutions  and  innovate  to
            care professionals, ASHA workers etc. across        ensure  proper hygiene and  safety at work place.
            ONGC operational areas. Further 18,000 face shield   A foot-operated hand-wash system has been
            masks to police personnel in Delhi and Faridabad    developed through in-house resources without any
            and 60000 re-usable masks to police personnel in    additional expenditure. In-fact, it has lived up to the
            Surat.                                              credo of reuse and recycling.

            Projects for distribution of Masks & Sanitizers
                                                                Ankleshwar  Asset  developed  contactless  sanitizer
            As a measure of precaution and prevention,          dispenser  making use of available resources
            distribution of  9,63,299    face  masks  (including   and  discarded  materials  –  mechanical  as  well  as
            18,000 face shield masks & 60,000 re-usable masks   electronics. Similar efforts have been  made by
            for the Police personnel)    and 10,22,901  sanitizers   Central Workshop, Vadodara.
            to residents in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Assam,
            Tamil  Nadu,  Gujarat,  Maharashtra,  West  Bengal,
            Uttarakhand,  Bihar,  Tripura  and  Delhi  has  been
            taken up amongst other CSR initiatives.

            ONGC Sanitizes villages in the operational areas

            ONGC  fire  fighters  and  tankers  have  been
            extensively  involved  in  the  sanitization  of  wards
            and  Panchayats  in  close  association  with  the
            district administration in ONGC operational areas.
            Soon after the declaration of lockdown, massive
            sanitization  drives  in  villages  of  operational  areas   Employees  at  BPA  process  complex  in  offshore
            were  initiated  by  ONGC  with  the  help  of  its  fire   (Arabian  Sea)  developed  a  sanitization  tunnel  to
            fighting team. The drive has covered 50 villages in   sanitize incoming personnel & baggage coming to
            four districts of Tamil Nadu, 60 villages in Uran and   the  complex.This  system  can  sanitize  5  personnel
            28 villages & 2 towns in Assam.                     along with their baggage per minute whilst
                                                                consuming 600 ml of disinfectant solution.
            Under relief of COVID-19, CSR initiatives were not
            only restricted towards Humans but also provided
            help to animals where support has been provided
            to Bhavanarayana Swami Temple Sarpavaram
            Kakinada for supplying of  dry grass  for  feeding
            20 cows for a period of 2 months with the financial
            implication of Rs.0.96 Lakhs.

            50    Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19
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