Page 80 - ScopeCompendiumBook
P. 80
Power Grid
Corporation of
India Limited
K. Sreekant
ower Grid Corporation of India Limited, a ‘Maharatna’
Central Public Sector Enterprise, is primarily engaged
Pin Inter State Transmission (ISTS) of electricity
Company’s HR has been in India. POWERGRID transmits about 50% of the total
taking various initiatives to power generated in India on its transmission network.
promote e-learning amongst POWERGRID is also the Central Transmission Utility (CTU)
the employees during COVID of India responsible for planning and co- ordination relating
through various Functional/ to ISTS.
behavioral Online Trainings/
Webinars/ Talks and also The Company also provides transmission related consultancy
programmes on meditation, to domestic and international clients and telecom services.
wellbeing, Awareness of
Employees and Communities Employees Strength
regarding COVID-19 etc. • Approx. 9500 employees.
the Pandemic
Monetary Contribution to PM CARES Fund
POWERGRID contributed Rs. 200 Crore to PM
CARES Fund. In addition, the Company’s employees
contributed one day’s basic pay in the month of
March 2020.
Payment to Contractual Workers during
Lockdown Period
addition, ex-gratia payment was made to contract
The contractual workers engaged by the Company labourers who were engaged in O&M activities
were paid their dues for the lockdown period. In during the lockdown.
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited 53