Page 78 - ScopeCompendiumBook
P. 78
[B] Intensive efforts resulting in outstanding been put under a much necessary lockdown since
utilization of e-learning through knowledge 23 March 2020, ONGC Energy Soldiers have been
management centre of ONGC
working 24x7 to ensure uninterrupted flow of oil and
The quest for knowledge among ONGCians has gas production to energize the nation. Maintained
been amply manifested through the extensive use oil and gas production notwithstanding lockdown
of the e-learning system during the unprecedented
lockdown brought down by the unfortunate advent
of COVID-19. As the system is accessible 24x7
over internet, the e-learners took full advantage of
additional time made available to them through
forced confinement at their residence to prevent
the outbreak of the epidemic. The 300 learners have
collectively accessed IPIMS more than 20,000 hours
to learn from the platform.
Preventive Measures (for the Organisation
and Employees)
• Sanitizers kept at various locations inside the
offices and installations.
• Temperature checks (Thermal scanning) being
done at all the entry points of the offices and
• It is being ensured that everyone inside the
office premises wears masks; masks have been challenges. Oil Sewaks (Energy Soldiers) of ONGC
distributed to all employees. voluntarily extended their stay on remote oil and
• Social Distancing is strictly being taken care of. gas installations to sustain this production.
Staggered attendance is being administered to
enable Social Distancing. ONGC employees also voluntarily contributed
• Meetings are mostly conducted through digital for distribution of food packets to poor people by
platforms like Webex and MS teams. employees of ONGC Noida Colony, distribution
of dry ration kit, sanitization kits to marginalized
Other Significant Measures taken by the people and Jail inmates by employees of Cambay
and distribution of dry ration kits to labourers by
While the entire nation of 1.3 billion people has employees of Vadodara.
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited 51