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Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority
                                                Notes to Financial Statements
                                                    June 30, 2019 and 2018


                          Assets,  Deferred  Outflows  of  Resources,  Liabilities,  Deferred  Inflows  of
                          Resources, and Net Position (continued)

                              6. Deferred inflows of resources
                                 In  addition  to  liabilities,  the  statement  of  net  position  will  sometimes  report  a
                                 separate  section  for  deferred  inflows  of  resources.  This  separate  financial
                                 statement  element,  deferred  inflows  of  resources,  represents  an  acquisition  of
                                 net position that applies to a future period and so will not be recognized as an
                                 inflow  of  resources  (revenue)  until  that  time.  The  Authority  has  one  item  that
                                 qualifies  for  reporting  in  this  category  in  the  statements of  net  position. The
                                 deferred inflow of resources relates to the Authority’s proportionate share of the
                                 Wisconsin Retirement System pension plan and is deferred and amortized over
                                 the expected remaining service lives of the pension plan participants.

                              7. Compensated absences
                                 Vacation time and sick leave benefits are earned by employees of the Authority
                                 based  on  time in service. Employees have the option to receive payment of a
                                 portion of unused vacation time or can choose to use the accumulated vacation
                                 time  in  the  future.  Employees  also  have  the  option  to  accumulate  earned  but
                                 unused  sick  leave.  An  employee  is  eligible  to  receive  payment  of  unused  sick
                                 leave upon eligible retirement. In both cases, the employee’s annual salary plus
                                 any payment of accumulated leaves cannot exceed the maximum of the salary
                                 range then-applicable to that employee as established by Wisconsin Statutes.

                              8. Pensions
                                 For purposes of measuring the net pension liability (asset), deferred outflows of
                                 resources  and  deferred  inflows  of  resources  related  to  pensions,  and  pension
                                 expense, information about the fiduciary net position of the Wisconsin Retirement
                                 System  (WRS)  and  additions  to/deductions  from  WRS’  fiduciary  net  position
                                 have been determined on the same basis as they are reported by the WRS. For
                                 this purpose, benefit payments (including refunds of employee contributions) are
                                 recognized  when  due  and  payable  in  accordance  with  the  benefit  terms.
                                 Investments are reported at fair value.

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