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Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority
                                                Notes to Financial Statements
                                                    June 30, 2019 and 2018


                          Assets,  Deferred  Outflows  of  Resources,  Liabilities,  Deferred  Inflows  of
                          Resources, and Net Position (continued)

                              9. Net position
                                 Net position is classified and displayed in three components:

                                     Net  Investment  in  capital  assets  – Amount of  capital  assets,  net  of
                                     accumulated  depreciation,  less  outstanding  balances  of  any  bonds,
                                     mortgages, notes, or other borrowings that are attributable to the acquisition,
                                     construction, or improvement of these assets.

                                     Restricted net position – Amount of net position that is subject to restrictions
                                     that  are  imposed  by  1)  external  groups,  such  as  creditors,  contributors  or
                                     laws  or  regulations  or  other  governments  or  2)  law  through  constitutional
                                     provisions or enabling legislation.

                                     Unrestricted net position – Net position that is neither classified as restricted
                                     nor as net investment in capital assets.

                                 When both restricted and unrestricted resources are available for use, it is the
                                 Authority’s policy to use restricted resources first, then unrestricted resources as
                                 they are needed.

                              10. Operating revenue – annual fees
                                 Revenues  consist  primarily  of  annual  fees  charged  to  borrowing  institutions.
                                 Revenues  are  recognized  when  earned. The  fee  charged  to  borrowing
                                 institutions for the years ended June 30, 2019 and 2018 was 0.6875 and 0.6250,
                                 respectively, of a basis point multiplied by the amount of bonds outstanding at
                                 the anniversary date of each bond issue.

                              11. Income tax status
                                 The  Authority  is  considered  a  quasi-governmental  entity  under  Chapter  231  of
                                 the Wisconsin Statutes and therefore is exempt from federal and state income

                          Reclassification and Comparative Figures
                          Certain  reclassifications  have  been  made  to  the  prior  year’s  financial  statements  to
                          enhance comparability with the current year’s financial statements. As a result, certain
                          line  items  have  been  amended  in  the  statements  of  financial  position,  statements  of
                          revenues,  expenses,  and  changes  in  net  position,  and  statements  of  cash  flows.
                          Comparative figures have been adjusted to conform to the current year’s presentation.

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