Page 49 - Microeconomics, Fourth Edition
P. 49

c01analyzingeconomicproblems  6/14/10  1:38 PM  Page 23

                                                                                    PROBLEMS                     23
                      a) Suppose the level of income is I   20. Graph the supply  b) Which plan would you select if your instructions are
                      and demand relationships, and indicate the equilibrium  to rent the most movies possible while spending $300
                      levels of price and quantity on your graph.     per year?
                      b) Explain why the market for wool would not be in  c) In this exercise, is the number of videos rented
                      equilibrium if the price of wool were 18.       endogenous or exogenous? Explain.
                      c) Explain why the market for wool would not be in  d) Is the choice of plan (A, B, or C) endogenous or
                      equilibrium if the price of wool were 14.       exogenous? Explain.
                      1.13. Consider the market for wool described by the  e) Are total expenditures on videos endogenous or ex-
                      supply and demand equations in Problem 1.12. Suppose  ogenous? Explain.
                      income rises from I 1   20 to I 2   24.         1.16. A major automobile manufacturer is considering
                      a) Using comparative statics analysis, find the impact  how to allocate a $2 million advertising budget between
                      of the change in income on the equilibrium price of  two types of television programs: NFL football games
                      wool.                                           and PGA tour professional golf tournaments. The fol-
                      b) Using comparative statics analysis, find the impact of  lowing table shows the new sports utility vehicles (SUVs)
                      the change in income on the equilibrium quantity of  that are sold when a given amount of money is spent on
                      wool.                                           advertising during an NFL football game and a PGA
                                                                      tour golf event.
                      1.14. You are the video acquisitions officer for your res-
                      idence hall. The other officers of your hall will tell you
                      how many videos they would like to rent during the year.            New SUV Sales Generated
                      Your job is to find the least expensive way of renting the        (thousands of vehicles per year)
                      required number of videos. After researching the op-  Total
                      tions, you have found that there are three rental plans  Spent (millions)  NFL Football  PGA Tour Golf
                      from which you can choose.
                                                                           $0                0              0
                      Plan A: Pay $3 per video, with no additional fees.   $0.5             10              4
                      Plan B: Join the Frequent Viewer Club. Here you pay a  $1.0           15              6
                      yearly membership fee of $50, with an additional charge  $1.5         19              8
                      of $2 for each video rented.                         $2.0             20              9
                      Plan C: Join the Very Frequent Viewer Club. In this
                      club you pay a yearly membership fee of $150, with an  The manufacturer’s goal is to allocate its $2 million ad-
                      additional charge of $1 for each video rented.
                                                                      vertising budget to maximize the number of SUVs sold.
                      a) Which plan would you select if your instructions are  Let F be the amount of money devoted to advertising on
                      to rent 75 movies a year at the lowest possible cost?  NFL football games, G the amount of money spent on
                      b) Which plan would you select if your instructions are  advertising on PGA tour golf events, and  C(F,G) the
                      to rent 125 movies a year at the lowest possible cost?  number of new vehicles sold.
                      c) In this exercise, is the number of videos rented en-  a) What is the objective function for this problem?
                      dogenous or exogenous? Explain.                 b) What is the constraint?
                      d) Is the choice of plan (A, B, or C) endogenous or  c) Write a statement of the constrained optimization
                      exogenous? Explain.                             problem.
                      e) Are total expenditures on videos endogenous or ex-  d) In light of the information in the table, how should the
                      ogenous? Explain.                               manufacturer allocate its advertising budget?
                      1.15. Reconsider the problem of the video acquisitions  1.17. An electricity producer has two power plants,
                      officer in Problem 1.14. Suppose the officers of your  each of which emits carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), a greenhouse
                      residence hall give you a specified amount of money to  gas. Each plant is currently emitting 1 million metric
                      spend, and want you to maximize the number of videos  tons of CO 2 per year. However, new emissions rules re-
                      you can rent with that budget. You can choose from the  strict the firm’s emissions to 1 million metric tons of
                      same three plans (A, B, and C) available in Problem 1.14.  CO 2 per year from both plants combined. The cost of op-
                      a) Which plan would you select if your instructions are  erating a power plant goes up as it curtails its emissions.
                      to rent the most movies possible while spending $125 per  The following table shows the cost of operating each
                      year?                                           plant for different emissions levels:
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