Page 51 - Microeconomics, Fourth Edition
P. 51
c01analyzingeconomicproblems 6/14/10 1:38 PM Page 25
1.21. Which of the following statements suggest a posi- d) Telephone companies should be allowed to offer cable
tive analysis and which a normative analysis? TV service as well as telephone service.
a) If the United States lifts the prohibition on imports of (e) If telephone companies are allowed to offer cable TV
Cuban cigars, the price of cigars will fall. service, the price of both types of service will fall.
b) A freeze in Florida will lead to an increase in the price f ) Government subsidies to farmers are too high and
of orange juice. should be phased out over the next decade.
c) To provide revenues for public schools, taxes on alcohol, g) If the tax on cigarettes is increased by 50 cents per
tobacco, and gambling casinos should be raised instead of pack, the equilibrium price of cigarettes will rise by 30
increasing income taxes. cents per pack.