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                  532                   CHAPTER 13   MARKET STRUCTURE AND COMPETITION

                  APPLICA TION                13.1
                  Market Structure Metrics for U.S.
                                                                       Table 13.2 indicates that, by and large, the 4CR and
                  Manufacturing Industries                         the HHI are highly correlated: When one metric is large,
                                                                   the other is as well. However, occasionally one sees
                  Table 13.2 shows the 4CR and HHI for a variety of U.S.  some differences. For example, the electric lamp bulb
                  manufacturing industries for the year 2002. Some   and parts manufacturing industry (whose principal
                  industries, such as beer brewing, breakfast cereals,  product is lightbulbs) and the glass container industry
                  guided missile and space vehicle manufacturing, and  have approximately the same 4CR, but the HHI for the
                  glass containers are highly concentrated; that is, their  lightbulb industry is almost 200 points higher than the
                  4CR is large. Such industries are dominated by a few large  HHI for the glass container industry. This is because, al-
                  firms. Beer brewing, breakfast cereals, and guided missile  though the top four firms in the two industries account
                  and space vehicle manufacturing are good examples of  for about the same share of industry sales, the lightbulb
                  differentiated product oligopolies; they consist of few  industry consists of about 30 more smaller firms, and the
                  firms that produce similar but not identical products. The  largest firm in that industry, GE Lighting, has a larger
                  glass container industry is, as noted above, a good exam-  market share than the largest firm in the glass container
                  ple of a homogeneous product oligopoly; firms in the in-  industry, Owens-Illinois. Thus, the structure of the light-
                  dustry produce largely similar products, and the three  bulb industry is more asymmetric than that of the glass
                  largest firms account for over 80 percent of industry sales.  container industry, a feature captured by the lightbulb
                      Other industries, such as curtain and drapery mills  industry’s larger HHI. An advantage that the HHI has
                  and fabricated structural metal manufacturing, are  over the 4CR as a measure of market structure is that it
                  more fragmented. These industries contain thousands  is sensitive to such asymmetries among firms.
                  of U.S. firms producing nearly identical products, and  When evaluating market structure metrics, it is im-
                  each provides a good approximation to a perfectly  portant to recognize the geographic scope of an industry.
                  competitive industry.                            An industry such as cement manufacturing is primarily

                  TABLE 13.2    Four-firm Concentration Ratios and Herfindahl-Hirschman Indices for Selected U.S.
                  Manufacturing Firms, 2002

                                                                              Total Number
                   Industry                                   NAICS Code a    of Companies     4CR        HHI
                   Guided missiles and space vehicles           336414              13         96.0     na b
                   Cigarette manufacturing                      312221              15         95.3     na
                   Beer breweries                               312120             349         90.8     na
                   Electric lamp bulb and parts manufacturing   335110              57         88.5     2,757.6
                   Glass container manufacturing                327213              22         88.3     2,582.1
                   Primary aluminum manufacturing               331312              26         85.3     na
                   Breakfast cereal manufacturing               311230              45         78.4     2,521.3
                   Dog and cat food manufacturing               311111             176         64.2     1,845.5
                   Ice manufacturing                            312113             425         42.9       763.1
                   Automatic vending machine manufacturing      333311             106         42.3       679.0
                   Cement manufacturing                         327310             131         38.7       568.5
                   Curtain and drapery mills                    314121            1,778        16.1       111.0
                   Fabricated structural metal manufacturing    332312            3,569         8.9        39.5
                                        a NAICS, the North American Industry Classification System, is the system the U.S. Census Bureau
                                        uses to classify industries.
                                        b For industries with only a few firms, the Census Bureau does not publish the HHI because of
                                        confidentiality concerns about disclosing data on the sales of individual companies.
                                        Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Concentration Ratios: 2002,
                                        concentration.html (accessed March 10, 2010).
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